Co Alarm


Senior Member
Dec 22, 2014
Had my CO alarm go over Sunday night at 2 am. I was camping in Joshua Tree and was using the furnace. It was VERY windy (shake the truck windy). I had not been cooking at all in the truck and no other combustion sources in use.

I thought the furnace did not use inside air - it just used air from outside for combustion.

THis was not the propane alarm - it was very clearly the CO led that was lit.

Any ideas?
Wandering Sagebrush said:
What kind of a refer do you have? Smokecreek had a similar issue because of poor combustion in a 3 way.
Good point. Mine is a 2 way Dometic - so not a fridge issue.

I am in a 2015 Hawk with a FWC factory installed Atwood furnace.
Could be battery was low-sometimes that will kick those off things off-especially late at night after a few days of camping in the same place. Those things going off and the heater not kicking on in the morning were the major reason for me getting that first 39 w solar panel. Which solved that problem but not to the three way frig problem that Steve is referring to that took place of up on the Sheldon Antelope Range and sort of wrecked a peaceful night. (see the thread I wrote here a couple of years ago called "The night I almost blew myself up" -don't know how to transfer it here!")

Yep-David O-that's the one. I now have 2 100W solar panels and a compression frig and so far no alarms going off in the middle of the night!

Smokecreek1 said:
Could be battery was low-sometimes that will kick those off things off-especially late at night after a few days of camping in the same place. Those things going off and the heater not kicking on in the morning were the major reason for me getting that first 39 w solar panel. Which solved that problem but not to the three way frig problem that Steve is referring to that took place of up on the Sheldon Antelope Range and sort of wrecked a peaceful night. (see the thread I wrote here a couple of years ago called "The night I almost blew myself up" -don't know how to transfer it here!")

I have seen that before, but that was before the battery swap to LiFePo4 - voltage is much more steady. Batt was fully chanrged and I had only been stopped over night.

I am betting it was wind bringing the heater exhaust into the camper
I had the exact same thing happen - windy evening, CO alarm went off. We opened up the camper and turned on the fans to vent it then reset the alarm. At that point the wind had died down and it has not sounded since.
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