Conjunction of Venus and Jupiter tonight, 30 June


The Weatherman
Site Team
May 24, 2010
Bend, Oregon
Look to the southwest skies in the early evening tonight.

As I posted on the Astro Thread -- in case people don't look at that thread, and in case you haven't seen it all over news media -- here's a reminder that tonight will be a very close conjunction of Venus and Jupiter -- only degree will be separating them in the sky. That angular distance is less than the angular width of the full Moon.

There's no astronomical significance to this...and it won't be that special photographically, unless you have a very long lens/telescope.
But if you have a long lens that can resolve a few of the moons of Jupiter -- and any telescope can do this -- seems like it would be cool to capture an image showing Jupiter-and-its-moons as well as "half-Venus"* in the same field of view. :)

I don't have a long-enough lens/telescope to do it justice photographically, but my naked eyes will "look to the skies" tonight...maybe with binoculars.

*Venus has phases -- just like Earth's Moon -- and currently it's a little less than half full.
Thanks Mark again for the info.
I have been watching the two planets for a while now.Actually I had started watching when Mars was in that same area.
Cool stuff.
Don't think the "news media" will put out much.
The event has been "trending" on Facebook for a couple of weeks, on the websites of the New York Times and Fox News, so I figured it must be old news to most...but I posted here just in case. ;)

Clear skies are forecast here, so once that blasted sun gets below the horizon it should be nice.
MarkBC said:
The event has been "trending" on Facebook for a couple of weeks, on the websites of the New York Times and Fox News, so I figured it must be old news to most...but I posted here just in case. ;)

Clear skies are forecast here, so once that blasted sun gets below the horizon it should be nice.
Not in touch with those media's.
Just rely on you.
Been watching the two come closer and closer since Father's Day weekend. We tried seeing them from the deck last evening but too many tall pines in the way. We'll go higher this evening. Thanks for the post Mr. BC.
I admired them and took a few photos when I was out solstice-sunset viewing. At that time, 9 days ago, Jupiter and Venus were still a few degrees apart, but the Moon was in on the action, too, so that added something, and there were thin bands of clouds which made the scene more than small dots of light. Hmmm...still need to look at those raw pics and see if they're worth "developing" to share...
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