Converting NCO 2 CO...


Advanced Member
Jul 19, 2017
Moke Hill. NorCal
So as I prepare to tear into my latest 10’ NCO, I have 2 questions. As I rebuild the top my plan is to pocket screw and glue the wood frame. Looks like just staples were used originally. Does it need the flex that just stapling provides? Also anybody ever converted a NCO into A CO? This is going to be a fairly extensive rebuild, feedback?
I am actually interested in the opposite conversion, CO to NCO. I have recently purchase an early 70’s 8’ CO (posted pic in picture thread a while ago, more to come). My cabover portion has draft areas and significant wood rot in the top around the window, vent, and around the curved sides.
I am located in the Tahoe area and am looking to start my CO -> NCO conversion/hack-job in the early summer. If you are around northern/central CA maybe we can swap parts! I won’t be needing the walls/floor/metal corner CO supports. Interested in seeing your plans/progress.
This older thread on expedition portal details significant overhaul and lengthening of the cabover section and may be of use for your reference:

Thanks for the link milee, looks interesting. I am in the Jackson area, and get to Tahoe area now and again. Definitely might be able to swap out some parts

I am really looking forward to see progress when you guys get started. The nicer weather has me tempted to pull the top half off one of mine, but I am right in the middle of modifying an old pontoon boat and it has to be done first. At least I can watch and learn from your projects.
Gypsynurse said:
So as I prepare to tear into my latest 10’ NCO, I have 2 questions. As I rebuild the top my plan is to pocket screw and glue the wood frame. Looks like just staples were used originally. Does it need the flex that just stapling provides? Also anybody ever converted a NCO into A CO? This is going to be a fairly extensive rebuild, feedback?
That sounds like a difficult but interesting conversion. Please document and share your experience.
Inside gutted... next job is to separate the top from bottom IMG_4834.JPG
Haven’t been here in a while, between work, and a couple trips…got to say I’m frustrated with my ability, or lack thereof to post pics on this forum…last time the issue was my pics were to large, reduced them and they were still too large. Oh well. Started to lift the top off the newest Alaskan and it started to come apart, ended up cutting it up! Turns out the metal was the only thing holding it together! So ended up salvaging a bunch of parts. Going to sell some of them I am not using. Have wall slides, corner slides, side windows in good condition, just need screens, also original propane fridge if anybody is looking for one of them.

Gypsynurse said:
Started to lift the top off the newest Alaskan and it started to come apart, ended up cutting it up! Turns out the metal was the only thing holding it together!

That stinks. Been there though. Brought home an 8' nco once that came apart as I tried to unload it. At least you still have your other 10'.
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