couch design review



The bulkhead and 'sleeper' are 3/4 nom. sanded ply. The arms are 1/2 nom. sanded ply.

Arms are attached to the bulkhead in pairs to balance the forces. So, each bulhead has four arms-- two long in the back & two short in the front.

We used 1/4-20 x 2-1/2 carriage bolts|washers|nuts and 1/2 x 0.257 x 1" nylon spacers (Lowes). I then counter bored one of each arm pair 1/2 x ~5/32" to capture the spacer so that the linkage was tight enough to rotate without slop or binding. Then I torqued the nut to compress the spacer.

The sleepers were topped with 3 x 19-5/8 x 1/4" nom. plywood, glued and bradded, to allow the sleepers to be screwed to the seat cushion.

The front of the seat cushion is set forward on the sleepers about 2".

Let the testing begin!
I've an extra bulkhead assembly that I'll probably just throw away. But it would make a good set of patterns if anybody wants to do their own couch mod.

I can UPS ground it if anybody's interested.

(Wouldn't it be cool if the thing made the rounds to several of you fellers?)
I've an extra bulkhead assembly that I'll probably just throw away. But it would make a good set of patterns if anybody wants to do their own couch mod.

I can UPS ground it if anybody's interested.

(Wouldn't it be cool if the thing made the rounds to several of you fellers?)
Hmmm... I will contribute towards sending them to Ben at ATC. :D :D :D

I didn't realize you had 3 inches of space behind the cushion. That is much better than having something slide out of the sleepers like I suggested. Thanks for posting the detailed drawings and pictures.
couch plans

I will be happy to pay to have them shipped to us. :D

Just let me know how much. I would also be happy to make copies and send them to anyone else that would like a set.
Is there space for an Engel Fridge?

I see on the pictures that you have a cooler under the couch.

What size is it? Would this space be large enough to store an Engel fridge?

I really like this design, very simple and easy to maintain.

I would gladly volunteer to try out Ben's version if he agrees to put it in my soon to be built Bobcat.:D
couch design


Don't want to disappoint you, but we probably won't be incorporating the design for awhile yet.

Takes some time to get Jeff to come around to new ideas. I threw this at him today and we'll see how he takes it when I get it in.:)

I hope it does work for us. Just want to figure out a way to make it without having to increase the weight with extra wood support for the couch.
I see on the pictures that you have a cooler under the couch. What size is it? Would this space be large enough to store an Engel fridge?

Cab, thanks for the kind thoughts. The cooler must be less than 16 inches tall and less than 16 inches deep. The width is limited to about 36 inches, because one needs to support the bed|couch somewhere near the middle.

I am also considering an Engel, but the fit will be tight for the MT35. You'll probably want some sort of sliding mechanism and that might require up to an inch of height.

I tried the 'knife' hinges about a month ago when I had a couple hours to waste-- that's what they were, a waste.

I added the sawed-off folding legs so that the backrest now tilts about like it used to before all this tinkering started.

Even thought the original couch seat was flat, I've decided it needs to tilt back towards the backrest around 5 to 7 degrees, like all the other comfortable chairs I've ever owned.

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