Couple Of New Additions

sorry i haven't updated in a while guys...ended up NOT taking the FWC, or my rig for that matter, on the cat ski trip to WA. for logistical and financial reasons...this time of the winter things start to get a little tight...especially with how good the skiing has been :D. a couple of minor updates though...

ended up going with non-adhesive backed velcro on the "homade arctic pack material", the adhesive backed didn't stick to the liner material well as i thought and was to hard to sew with the adhesive gumming up the needle...had to sew by hand which was difficult, time consuming and frustrating at times, much easier though with the non adhesive backed velcro though...duh! also, i am not impressed with my sewing job but i think it will hold...

the adhesive backed velcro on the fwc liner actually sticked pretty well in most instances...i ended up cutting 7 or 8 small 1" pieces and attatching them near the top of the liner/roof interface.

after doing this liner myself there are a few things i would definitely do differently next time, one big one is use different material, the refletix seems decent but the natural cotton fabric i used will definitely get dirty easily and "pills" quite a bit, maybe i should have washed it first, oh well, live and learn...but not having tested it in the field its a little to early to go into detail...

back to the rocket box...i responded earlier saying it was a 2 person job lifting the top with the box on but in all honesty i had not tried it myself, which i did yesterday since we had some sun to dry and air things out...wasn't that bad, was able to do it on my own...BUT it was empty.

anyway, i'll post some pics soon, and we have a few mini ski trips planned for the near's a few recent ones though cause i love pics! cheers, pray for snow :D!
here's a pic of the velcro on the fwc liner and the "homade arctic pack" stored on top of the stove (just one side), i think it is going to work pretty well...
Nice Job

I'm sure it will work well for you.

Sure looks like you sure have been laying some fresh tracks this season. Nice pics.
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