Creating a Pop-up Truck Calendar - Interested?


Elder Statesman
Dec 9, 2010
Wainui Bay, South Island, NZ
With the current talk of the Truck Camper Magazine, 2012 Calendar contest and TCM not recognizing ATC as a camper company, I’d offer an alternative to the TCM 2012 Calendar.

We could do our own 2012 Pop-Up Truck Calendar.

Looking over the TCM submitted 2012 Calendar photos, and seeing many WTW members trip report photos, I’d have to say that the WTW members do a much better job at photographing their campers. The setting in which you guys camp and take your camper photos and your sense of composition is fantastic in my opinion.

I might as well layout the whole enchilada.

There are several web based companies out there that accept high resolution images and make calendars on an “as ordered” basis, so, no up front costs associated with creating the calendars, when purchasing a calendar payment is made to the company that makes the calendar, and the calendar company handles the shipping, too.

We just need someone to gather up the photos, size them for the calendar and then create a free account for a web store with the calendar publishing company, upload the photos and then tell everyone where they are available on the web. Just about anyone with photo editing software and some time can do the work required. I think we have a bunch of WTW members that are qualified to be Project Manager for this kind of thing

It would not be good to suggest taking on this kind of an idea and just hoping that someone else will step up to do it, so, I should say that I have done this for about 4 years and I’m doing it again for some of my motorcycle friends this year. If there is no one interested in doing it, I will volunteer to take on the job, as it’s now pretty easy for me to do it in short order. Once again I think there are a lot of WTW members that would be qualified to be Project Manager for this, and if someone else wants to do this, I can offer assistance as desired or needed.

We just need at least 12 photos to make 1 calendar, and if there are more photos, we can create several calendars, in different sizes (small – 8.5’x11”, medium – 11”x11” and large – 11”x17” for the size of the photos, a calendar hanging on a wall will be larger, see below).

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As a possible suggestion for the person becoming the Project Manager for this, here is how I’ve operated in the past (just my ideas).

As a contest to see which photos get into the calendar would add to the complexity of the project, I’d recommend that you allow the Project Manager to select the photos. This avoids any issues with “publically” hurt feelings for not having a photo selected for the calendar. The photos should be sent to the Project Manager via email and not made public until the calendars are created and ready for purchase. Photos not selected are only known to the submitter and the Project Manager, thus no embarasement. And, remember, we can create as many calendars as we wish, so the Project Manager would only reject photos that were NOT of a high resolution nature, as the printing process needs that high resolution (more on this later), and photos that might NOT be of a common composition quality, i.e., low quality composition photos would stick out like a sore thumb (like most of the TCM Calendar photos do to me). I would also say that photos with recognizable people in them should be avoided. I’ve already experienced the whining about “Why didn’t I get my face in the calendar?” So, photos of just trucks and pop-up campers, with the pop-up camper being more of the main subject, no people, keep it clean. And, of course, show the entire truck & camper and have a really nice background or setting, too.

I use CafePress to publish calendars and they allow setting the price of the calendars at the minimum, wholesale price, i.e., no mark-up = no profit for the Project Managers work on the project. And, as I said there are a slew of web based publishing companies out there that do this kind of stuff, I just like CafePress, someone else as Project Manager may like a different company.

The one disclaimer that needs to be made regarding the Project Manager… if there are a certain number of calendars purchased within a month, the Project Manager can get a “commission” on the wholesale price. There is no way to set the price below the wholesale price at CafePress, which might deduct the “possible” commission. And, there is really no easy way to return the commission to the purchasers of calendars, it’s too much work, so, the Project Manager should just keep the commission. It turns out to be not that much $.

I’m not sure how much the possible commission might be for a Pop-Up Truck Calendar, however, regarding the calendars I have created for my motorcycle friends over the past 4 years, I have earned approximately $60 each year. That doesn’t really cover the time I spend on the project, however, it does allow me to purchase a couple of calendars for myself as the commission can be either CafePress $ used to purchase CafePress items or sent as a check to the Project Manager. So, if a “possible” commission happens, the Project Manager should just keep it, in my opinion, it’s about the only incentive to take on this job.

BTW, the wholesale purchase price of the calendar at CafePress this year is,

Measurements are vertical dimension first (height), horizontal dimension (width) second.

Small – 8.5’x11” image size, 22”x8.5” calendar size = $14.99
Medium – 11”x11” image size, 17”x11” calendar size = $16.99
Large – 11”x17” image size, 22”x17” calendar size = $18.99

The 8.5”x11” image and the 11”x17” image are rectangular horizontal images (verticals don’t really fit here). The Project Manager usually needs to do some cropping to get an image that is square at 11”x11” for the medium size calendar (cropped usually from rectangular vertical images).

So, that’s my idea and how I’d operate.
Other opinions are certainly possible and someone else as the Project Manager is also possible.

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So, anyone interested in being the Project Manager, gathering the photos and creating the calendar? If not, I’ll do it.

Anyone interested in submitting high resolution photos?

Here are the technical details.

Image Type. Photos should be in JPEG format only (look at the file extension -> (“.jpg”), no Raw images please (that would add unwanted time to the project).

Image Quality. Point and shoot small cameras are about the minimum quality of cameras to use. The printing is not National Geographic quality, but it’s pretty darn nice. So we want high resolution images. In non-professional photographer lingo… One measure of high resolution that is easy to understand is the computer file size of a JPEG photo. File sizes should be at least 3Mb (3,000Kb) or higher. The higher the better, the largest calendar can have photos that are 11”x17” in printed size. Another measure of high resolution that is easy to understand is the pixels per inch resolution (you can usually find that in a photo editing program) of a photo at the size to be printed (possible 3 sizes - 8.5”x11”, 11”x11”, 11”x17”), and something on the order of at least 200 pixels per inch is good for the calendar printing process, higher is better, but more than 300 pixels per inch is too much for the company I use and still keep the cost of the calendar somewhat reasonable. A little under the above mentioned numbers and you might still be OK to get a photo into the calendar, I can do a little magic in Photoshop to help your photo get better.

Submitting Images. Emailing the photos to the person doing the project should be only one photo per email. No zipped photos (that would add unwanted time to the project). It’s just easier that way.

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BTW, here are some motorcycle calendar examples that I’ve had the pleasure of working with in the past. I only selected and edited the photos (sizing and possible cropping), the photographers are members of another forum.

Small calendar, 8.5"x11" image.

Medium calendar, 11"x11" image.

Large calendar, 11"x17" image.

A couple of Calendar Covers.



BTW, if there is any WTW member or significant other that has some graphic design capabilities that wants to design a basic “calendar cover” to be used on multiple calendars, that would be great, please get in touch with the Project Manager, at least if I’m doing this project. As you can see, I’ve just assembled smaller monthly photos on the calendar covers I’ve made, and added some text to the top, I’m not all that creative (I am organized).

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Lastly, if there is anyone that wants to do this project, please take it, I don't need to do it nor will I feel offended if someone else wants to do it (I'm only offering as a contribution to this Forum). It's a neat thing to have some custom calendars.
If there is some interest in this, and you want to manage it Alley that would be great. I can't take on another project right now but I can provide some photos and I'll buy a calendar.
Interesting idea. I'd sure purchase one. Must include Ted's pic of his camper in the ditch :rolleyes:
I like Alley-Kat's idea. I don't know if we should limit it to pop-ups only though. We do have some members with other types of rigs. But I would definitely buy a WTW calendar no matter what vehicles are in it.

Must include Ted's pic of his camper in the ditch

In my shameless self promotion I also sent an email to family and friends. My sister replied inquiring why that photo wasn't an option. I told her that this contest was for the calendar and that photo was submitted for the Wall of Shame contest which is next month. That's my story and I'm sticking to it. :p
Let's wait a few more days, maybe until next Monday, Nov 7, to see if anyone else wants to be project manager.

Anyone want to try their hand at doing this?
I'll help via email or phone conversations.
And, we could use a graphic designer to help with a generic outside cover that can be used on multiple calendars.

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The only reason I called it the pop-up truck calendar was the categories in the "Truck Campers" forum, which has Alaskan, All Terrain, Four Wheel & XP. As the new guy around here it just looked like WTW was focused on pop-ups. I guess we could open it up to anyone. No problem with me.

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If I'm the project manager, then I'll make a new notice on Monday starting off the submission time period with an email address where to send the photos. Submission should probably end around Thanksgiving, so that assembly of the calendar can be completed by the start of December, and calendars can be purchased by our significant others for holiday presents to us.

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What's the opinion of those interested in contributing photos or purchasing a calendar about having the "make, model & year of the camper", along with the "make, model & year of the truck", placed in the photograph? I see that some members of WTW have that info in signatures.

Do you want the name of the owner in the photograph?

If yes, then I'll need to ask for that info (in text form, not put in the photo by the photographer, I'll do that) with the submission photos.

My motorcycle friends have decided to NOT do that sort of stuff in the calendars.
Doesn't really matter to me.

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Any other ideas or input?
I'm with DD on this one, not enough time to manage this, but I would love to see the TEV in there representing the "Custom Pop-up Camper class"!

This is a really great idea.

Home Skillet :cool:
OK, I think we're good to go!

I'll be the project manager on this.

Please review the technical details in the first message above about what I'm looking for in the way of high resolution photos.

Original, non-edited, JPEGs only, one per email to this email address -> Alley-Kat@COX.NET

You do not need to post your photos in this thread, I can't really use them when they are in a message, I need them emailed.
Your submission of photo(s) to the above email address says that you give your permission for the photos to be used in the calendar(s) and for no other purpose, and without receiving any compensation for submitting the photos.

Check the email address you will use to send the photos, as once I receive them I will reply with an acknowledgement back to you.
If there are any problems with your high resolution photos, I'll also send an email back with some comments.
Some email programs reduce the size of photos when they are emailed, please figure out how to avoid doing that if you can.

I will not use your email address for any other purpose than what is stated above, I will not share your email address with anyone, I will delete all emails sent to the above email address and I will not save your email address, after the calendar(s) are ready for purchase. Basically, I'm not going to be a problem for your email address.

Deadline for submitting high resolution photos is Sunday, November 20.

I'll assemble the calendar(s) and have them ready for purchase from CafePress in early December.
I'll put a message here with the purchase location when the calendar(s) are ready.

If you are interested in purchasing a calendar, and you might be interested in getting some email special offers and promotions from CafePress, then I would recommend that you visit CafePress scroll to the very bottom and in the right bottom corner there is a spot to give CafePress an email address. I believe that you can opt-out of receiving emails at any time.

If you have any questions, you can, 1) post them in this thread, or 2) send me a Private Message, or 3) send me an email at the above email address.
Bumping this thread to remind people to get photos of their rigs in quick. I'd really like to see a good selection of rigs besides FWC on this calendar. Hint Hint DD, Home Skillet, Marc and Marc, ATC owners, and everyone else out there.
Bumping this thread to remind people to get photos of their rigs in quick. I'd really like to see a good selection of rigs besides FWC on this calendar. Hint Hint DD, Home Skillet, Marc and Marc, ATC owners, and everyone else out there.

Already submitted some pics!

Thanks Alley Kat for taking this on!
Ok, it's about midnight Saturday and the submission deadline is just about 24 hours from now.

Here's your last chance for THE 2012 Popup Truck Camper Calendar.

See the messages above for all the details.
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