Death Valley


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Jun 30, 2009
Sierra Nevada Range
As summer wanes and turns into fall and then the aspens drop their leaves many of us think of Death Valley and winter time. Mid summer Death Valley was again hit with major thunderstorms and was hit again last week. Many of the back roads suffered severe damage as is reflected in today's morning report:

Morning Report
We have a trip in the planning stages to DV in late February/early March. Most destinations will be on paved roads but we always wanted to see and photograph the Racetrack. We also wanted to come in on Titus Canyon (one way west bound). They aren't mentioned so must be okay. Marble Canyon is reached by Cottonwood Cnyn Rd but hoping roads will be worked on in the interim. Am I hoping for too much? Our plan is to be gone 3 weeks exploring into eastern Nevada also. Once I have abetter idea of our tentative route I will ask you knowledgable people more specific questions.
Unless recently graded (never known that to happen) be prepared for some of the worst wash board in the western US between Ubehebe Crater and Teakettle Jct. It's not the worst, but it is in the top five or ten. It is worth the trouble.

It is the Mojave, so it will be windy and given the time of year it will be cold. Guessimate how fast the wind has to blow to move those rocks - even on the greased owl snot consistency that the lakebed assumes when wet, and be prepared for that kind of wind chill. The last time that I was there in winter a sled suit would have been appropriate.
The road to the racetrack and Titus Canyon are open. These are two of the most popular dirt roads in the park and tend to open fairly soon after damage. I'm also watching for newer reports on Cottonwood Canyon. Once the road enters the canyon both roads, Cottonwood and Marble, are in the washes and in the direct line fire from high water.
We were in DV two weekends ago. Took some friends to Rhyolite, through Titus (wide open), camped at Mesquite Springs, on to Ubahebe Crater and the Racetrack (fewer rocks on the playa than when we were there last March), departed via Lippencott to Saline Valley, and out South Pass. Many roads were closed when we were there (Wildrose Cyn, Panamint Valley Rd., etc.) apparently due to washouts from several months ago. If we ever get any rain this winter, everything I just said will likely change,
I guess we will just keep UTD on the road and do what we can do. I enjoyed Nevada immensely, especially Lunar Crater. There are a lot of places that we want to explore along the NV/CA border.
It was raining all over the valley and snowing in the hills when I left. I wouldn't be surprised if this storm causes more damage.
Things have definitely changed after yesterday's storm.
Snow all the way south along the Eastern Sierra. Fossil Falls has snow. Inyos, Panamints, and everything in between are coated. North and South passes into Saline are out. We tried South Pass today and the snow was knee deep as the road climbs out of Lee Flats. Darwin covered in snow. It's a great time to see Death Valley but not easy to get to Saline if that is your goal.
Those pictures of DV with that much snow are great.
That storm that gave us here in the Monterey area less than a 1/2" of rain and no wind sure changed as it moved on.
Mother Nature sure does some strange things.

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