do the windows leak when it rains?


Mar 4, 2007
Sacramento, Ca
with those windows all buttoned they leak when rain hits 'em deadon?
i would imagine that during a storm there would be some seepage?
i am talking about the flexible windows in the liner that are sealed up with velcro.
window leaks

Usually the windows will not leak when you are out in the rain. The only time the windows will normally seep is when the camper is stored and the top is down. This is part of the reason that we tell people to pop it up every couple of months and let it air out.
I have an older camper with the window flaps on the inside, in heavy rain they leak. I would think the newer campers are better since they have the flaps on the outside.

Mine is an older one also with the inside flaps and we are really looking forward to getting the top vinyl replaced so as to have the outside flaps. I think that is a huge improvment for the leak problem. The clear plastic window covers on mine are so bad that they actually can't cover the whole window and connect with the velcro.....on a really hot day they can be stretched a bit but then the velcro is pretty worn as well and it doesn't hook up so good.
Time for new stuff....just got to find the time to drive to CA.

If you have just the inside covers and not the outside, then yes, depending on age they do tend to leak. That is part of the reason for the outside flaps that we now put on the campers.

The problem with the old ones also is that the clear covers tends to shrink over time due to the sun and eventually will not cover the window. Hence the outside flaps again helps to protect the clear cover over time.
I've had two new FWC and have not had any leaks any where. My first one (1998) had the outside flaps and even in a rain and hail storm did not leak. The newest FWC (2005) does not have the outside flaps and has not been in a bad storm yet. I think it will be fine even in a really bad rain . There is nothing wrong with the material that FWC uses, I personally prefer the ATC design and material.
I have done the major patch work on the canvas. My windows still leak even on light rain. I have the old inside windows but overall my canvas is shot. I'm sur the gray canvas works much better. It makes me think of getting an alaskan camper so I wouldn't have to worry about the canvas, but good luck finding one used.

They don't exactly leak they get wet. The inside of the canvas is a liner and it gets soaked next to the windows. I even tried a sealant. Believe me there is no way to fix this. I would have thought of it.

So I get wet walls I imagine if I let them get soaked enough it would drip everywhere. I just started my homemade awning system. I had some road blocks, but overall it is coming together and i am confident it will work. very cheap method i assure you. I would think that the camper would get really hot inside with no shade around.
hmmmm.....I have a new 2007 Hawk and the flaps are on the inside. Nothing on the outside :confused:
Good point MarkL

If you go to FWC's website, they have a photo gallery for each model in their "Products" section. On the newer models, there are no flaps around the outside of the windows. On the older models, you can see the rolled up flaps and the velcro around the windows to hold them down.

So has FWC changed the way the windows are made or closed from the inside and the flaps are no longer necessary? Or did they just stop adding the flaps because to save money? I don't know. Have any recent buyers questioned FWC about this?
I questioned FWC about the lack of outside flaps when I picked up my Grandby in Oct. They said they had changed the design to improve the seal at the bottom of the inside flap that eliminated the need for the outer one. I've only camped one night in a light rain without any problem. Not sure what would happen in a hard wind driven rain. It is nice not having to mess with the outer flaps when you want to open a window.
i wonder what is meant by "improved the seal at the bottom"
thanks for the reply, your the first to provide comment from someone who has a recent vintage unit.
My 2004 Hawk had the exterior flaps. They were a pain to use, always having to go outside and use a ladder to open or close, but they did a good job of keeping out the rain. However if you leave the outside flap open so that you can get some ventilation in the camper (as we almost always did) then the windows did leak slightly if it rained.
Although I never got around to doing this, there is a great mod you can add if you have the exterior flaps. It allows ventilation, shade and provides protection from the rain:

If you are not familiar with this website, it is well worth a look:

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