Do you smell somethin?


Senior Member
Mar 2, 2007
Central Coast California
Hey all. So, with a 7 year old daughter and a wife, both needing a restroom at the most inoportune times while on the road, I'm asking for advise on the doody thing. Can anyone offer advise on compact portapotties? I've never had one and not sure how much trouble they are to use, empty, clean, etc. I have developed an uncanny ability to pee discretely just about anywhere. Not so for the women folk. When I try to tell my daughter that the world is her urinal, my wife scowls. Obviously, I have no real pressing concerns to discuss here, but any help will be appreciated.
Thanx, Hayduke
Hayduke I have two girls and when we go fishing I use a 3 gal bucket with a toilet seat that snaps over the bucket. I place a plastic bag with kitty litter in it when done I tie a knot and throw it in the trash at the end of the day. I bought the seat at Westmarine. My oldest is 15 so to cover up I let her use a rain poncho. easy and low cost.
The standard Thetford porta potty is easy to use but a pita to clean up. They work very well. With the chemicals you get no odor. Not really hard to dump, just kind of a pain. Then you need to rinse it out. Again not hard, but a pain. I don't mind it if I'm "camping" but I hate to use it when I can I can just hold it and make it to the restroom down the road.
Someone told me about this, no first hand experience with it to pass on though:

This looks like any of the various woman pee funnels used by some of my female mountain clmbing friends. The most popular model is called a PLAM, i.e. "pee like a man." Others, men and women, pee in a Nalgene bottle.
This looks like any of the various woman pee funnels used by some of my female mountain clmbing friends. The most popular model is called a PLAM, i.e. "pee like a man." Others, men and women, pee in a Nalgene bottle.

Just remember to mark it "PEE" on the bottle and I put some Duct Tape on it to know in the dark it is in fact the "PEE" bottle.:eek:
Considering that you're talking "wife" here and not just little girl, i would highly recommend the standard Thetford or similar portapotty. They're relatively comfortable and discrete. Yes, they're a little awkward to dump and keep clean, but that's not your wife's concern, is it? (If I want to be a happy camper, dumping and cleaning the potty isn't her problem.)

I had a Thetford that I gave away and replaced with a toilet of my own design. There are two key features of the cat litter toilet: 1. You can make 'deposits' in any garbage can that you would put a diaper into. 2. The long bowl is roomier.
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