Drilling into camper from outside

However in their online page, they don't list the HAP free version (HAP = Hazardous Air Pollutants).
That would be a Kalifornia requirement. Hell, they even changed paint thinner to water based. Can't start a campfire with that!

The non-HAP would be better and cure faster.

Yeah, clean air sucks. Screw those hippie bastards and their breathing and whatnot.


I kid, I kid - I joke with you!

Anyway, back to the topic at hand, there seem to be many more places which sell Silaprene in the "yes HAP" version, so maybe the "no HAP" version is really only available in CARB states or something? It is after all considered a transportation sealant....

P.S. After living in the south, I greatly appreciate all the "rules" that the west coast has. I used to have a history teacher, and he would say "Your freedom to swing your fist ends where my face begins." Down here in the south they love their freedom - the problem is that their "freedom" dirties up _my_ air, water, and scenery (Seriously - there is trash EVERYWHERE and the water here tastes so bad ). I can't wait to return to the west where people (generally) give a hoot about the place they live in. Oh, and mountains.

P.S.S. I really am just being a smart arse. If we ever run into each other IRL you can feel free to call me out as a total smart arse. However, as I tell my better half "Rather be a smart arse than a dumb arse!"
Anyway, back to the topic at hand, there seem to be many more places which sell Silaprene in the "yes HAP" version, so maybe the "no HAP" version is really only available in CARB states or something?

Wouldn't surprise me, companies like liquid nails make a latex version of their "heavy duty" construction adhesive that is low VOC (thus it won't eat foam board so I wanted some) but it's only stocked in CA.
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