DV award


Riley's Human
Jan 12, 2007
Well since no one else did I"ll start. And since I didnt see much of the rest of the gang at stovepipe wells someone else needs to help out.

Best invention goes to Camelracer for his air powered popup top lifter. Should market those.

Best interior goes to DirtyDog. Very nice.

Most well equipped goes to Deltarat. The Engel freezer and the microwave are must have accessories. Btw bob, is there a post on how you did your inverter?

Least likely to cook indoors goes to Suni.

Okay, theres a start, fill it in.
more awards

Well, there was a member that claimed to be the "King of the three hour log", though I'm not sure there should be an award for that.;)

And the Fickle Finger of Fate (only the older members will remember that) goes to the guy in the Four Wheel Camper that eyed our camp as he passed us Friday night at Ballarat and then camped a half mile down the road.

The Dakar Rally award can be shared by Craig and Lawnmowerman.

The Sphincter Factor award goes to Camelracer for doing the Lippincott in a full size long bed.

The Everyone-Drools-Over-My-Truck award goes to pvstoy.

But my overall,best of show toast goes to Simimike. Recovering from cancer surgery and chemo, this trip was as more than just a fun gathering to him. It was a personal test to see if he was back. Mike, here's to you.:thumb:

Best midnight taco - Sunman

Best beer selection - Ted

Most flashlights - Craig333

Most and biggest antennas - Deltarat

Hypothermia award - Lawnmowerman

Most hair left in a national monument - Diego (Dirty Dog)
Most hair left in a national monument - Diego (Dirty Dog)


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