DV Trip Report

Lighthawk said:
Glad some of you are enjoying the story and photos!
I was losing momentum, but have to get back to it and write up Eureka Dunes.
Yes Lighthawk, we very much are. You are taking us on a wonderful adventure, from the community that is Saline Valley Warm Springs into the nooks and crannies of the surrounding area. I, like many others, particularly like the photos of the Salt Lake; I especially because I recently picked up a copy of Mary DeDecker's work on Willie Smith's Fabulous Salt Tram, long out of print. Thank you for taking us along and we await Eureka Dunes! :)
Just checking out your newest trip. I just missed you. Hope to finally meet up with you on one of these trips. I see familiar faces in your pics. Spent several days from the 4th-9th in Saline. After 9-10 years of visiting the springs a new visitor was there one afternoon...a ringtail cat came down from one palm near the Wizard pool and up another all the way to the top. The ravens were upset with him up there but they could not persuade him from his duties.

I spoke with Major Tom about the salt from the lake and he believes the best quality was long ago and what's left isn't worth using in food but I too have brought it home but never used it.

Really enjoying your trip report. One evening after work I drove from LA with the goal of camping at the dry well and hiking out the next day to those dunes. The plan worked and later that day my friends joined me at Eureka. Very unique feeling camping so far away from anyone. I was solo for camping and my hike to the hidden dunes. Sometimes you see other vehicles, as you did, and if you don't have lights or a fire on at your camp they have no idea you're out there.

On the way home I finally checked out the Cinder Cone area near Fossil Falls. Very cool stuff.
Thanks for all the kind comments!

I've managed to compress our visit to Eureka Valley, visiting the dunes and exploring new locations into a single blog post.
It's remarkably beautiful but fragile area, preserved by limiting vehicle access under National Park protections.

Please enjoy.

Eureka Valley Dunes, Part VIII

There will be a minor epilogue after this:
Mono Lake Snowy Camp
Andy, a great segment of the TR!!! I love the monochromes of the Möbius dune and the one of the undulating ‘waves’!

Nice photography! Which Sony did you get?
I tried the Sony A72r, but was frustrated trying to move the focus point quickly, coming from Canon DSLRs. I sold the A72r and bought a nearly new A73r with only 350 clicks. It's got a joystick which helps quite a bit. They both have the same full frame sensor, and I can use my Canon glass with an E mount adapter. The Mobius Dune was shot with a Canon 70-200+1.4TC for example.
Lighthawk, thanks for your wonderful trip story! Hidden dunes are a very special place, indeed. Your photography is a joy to see as you capture this wonderful landscape you travel through.

I share your concern for reckless and illegal motor vehicle use and their utter disregard for our public lands. I wish there was a solution as the numbers continue to grow. Unfortunately, I have no optimism in this regard.

Julie & I are looking forward to the farm house and Mono Lake! :)
The views around Mono Lake are outstanding. We are glad to were able to drive back out in the snow! :)

Thanks for another great trip story!

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