Eastern Sierra in February...?

I remember hearing about that. I didn't realize it went that far. Some amazing feats of tunneling done by miners, for water and roads. I keep looking at the tunnel they dug during the construction of the loon lake powerhouse. The gate e doesn't have much of a lock and its so huge I could turn my truck around it (well maybe). A bit too spooky for me though.

If you like engineering check out the video. http://www.youtube.c...h?v=LHYnxvp-hJY
Only 248 hits. Amazing.

After watching I'm no longer sure if the tunnel I'm thinking of isn't something else.

This lucky guy got a tour. http://www.pirate4x4...n_powerstation/
Hey Mark-you might have to drive pretty fast going through Susanville-they say a 70% chance of snow here on Monday-if you want to believe them! I'm still wondering if we will ever have winter:p!

Looks like I'll be getting my weather-wish for this trip, more-or-less, with a couple of days of new snow forecast for the area I'm headed, followed by sunshine:


I'll be driving to Redding on Monday, and then Tuesday morning I'll head east across the northern Sierras -- or is it the southern Cascades? -- and on down 395...not sure how far that day. I hope it's not blizzardy while driving...just a "tasteful" amount of snow is all I want.
I have a full set of chains, but no way do I want to use them unless it's to save my life!

Bridgeport's forecast looks mighty chilly, so I may not stop there...unless I stay with my friend who lives there.
Looks like I'll be getting my weather-wish for this trip, more-or-less, with a couple of days of new snow forecast for the area I'm headed, followed by sunshine:

View attachment 13689

I'll be driving to Redding on Monday, and then Tuesday morning I'll head east across the northern Sierras -- or is it the southern Cascades? -- and on down 395...not sure how far that day. I hope it's not blizzardy while driving...just a "tasteful" amount of snow is all I want.
I have a full set of chains, but no way do I want to use them unless it's to save my life! :rolleyes:
Bridgeport's forecast looks mighty chilly, so I may not stop there...unless I stay with my friend who lives there.

North of 44, your in the Cascades, south of it your in the Sierras-at least here in Susanville, supposedly, the Cascades are more volcanic in structure and Sierras are granitic or so I've been told! :cool: For those that like trees, you also start getting allot more mixed Jeffery-Ponderosa pine here as opposed to pure breed trees-making it harder to smell witch tree :rolleyes: is witch. Starting to cloud up here, 100% snow and Monday:D and a mix on Tuesday Morning, so you may miss the storm-if you want to believe the weather man! Had some wind and snow yesterday, already melted off!

Just outside of Bridgeport is a nice hot spring called Travertine. Maintained by the BLM, so it's not trashed.

You can camp about 1/2 mile away. It is a nice soak after a long drive. Close to 395.

Some pics:


I remember hearing about that. I didn't realize it went that far. Some amazing feats of tunneling done by miners, for water and roads. I keep looking at the tunnel they dug during the construction of the loon lake powerhouse. The gate e doesn't have much of a lock and its so huge I could turn my truck around it (well maybe). A bit too spooky for me though.

If you like engineering check out the video. http://www.youtube.c...h?v=LHYnxvp-hJY
Only 248 hits. Amazing.

After watching I'm no longer sure if the tunnel I'm thinking of isn't something else.

This lucky guy got a tour. http://www.pirate4x4...n_powerstation/

I know this is off thread but if you like engineering and blowing up stuff,try to find film footage of the Canadian engineers and how they solved the navigation problem of "ripple" rock in the water off Campbell River,Vancouver Island.I saw it on the ferry last year.It's soo cool how they drilled the rock full of tunnels than placed the explosives in.Scientists even placed ground motion instruments 1,000s of miles away to measure the energy from the blast.Check it out if you can find it.

North of 44, your in the Cascades, south of it your in the Sierras-at least here in Susanville, supposedly, the Cascades are more volcanic in structure and Sierras are granitic or so I've been told!

Yeah...that volcanic vs uplift-granitic distinction is why, in my mind, the southern end of the Cascades is the volcano Mt Lassen, and yet Lassen is south of 44. But I don't know how geographers officially name the ranges.

Just outside of Bridgeport is a nice hot spring called Travertine. Maintained by the BLM, so it's not trashed.

Surprisingly, even though I like hot springs and have been through Bridgeport many times I've never been to Travertine. And even though my Bridgeport friend lives within walking distance of it!
Maybe I should check it out this time... Thanks.
I think you've already reached your getting-stuck quota for the year, so hopefully the snow will cooperate. Travel safe. Looking forward to the trip report!
I think you've already reached your getting-stuck quota for the year, so hopefully the snow will cooperate. Travel safe. Looking forward to the trip report!

Mark-just got back from a quick trip to Reno and back:LOL:, pretty dry all the way, and by the time I got back here at 4:45, what little snow that fell last night here in Susanville had melted Off. The cloud cover here is dropping fast and it feels like snow, supposed to snow a little Tuesday Morn! If I get up in the morn and see a couple of feet of snow, I'll let you know.

Have a good trip!

Mark-just got back from a quick trip to Reno and back:LOL:, pretty dry all the way, and by the time I got back here at 4:45, what little snow that fell last night here in Susanville had melted Off. The cloud cover here is dropping fast and it feels like snow, supposed to snow a little Tuesday Morn! If I get up in the morn and see a couple of feet of snow, I'll let you know.
Have a good trip!

Thanks, Smoke.
My trip got pushed back by a day: Now I'll be heading down to Redding Tuesday morn and then on east and south Wednesday morn.
Thanks, Smoke.
My trip got pushed back by a day: Now I'll be heading down to Redding Tuesday morn and then on east and south Wednesday morn.

40% chance of snow then-Get my tooth rebuilt on Wednesday Morning at nine-when you come through town, you might see my green F150/FWC parked off of main st by the Bank of America parking lot-and think of all the $ I'm spending :pOh Boy Oh Boy! Might even hear my screams of anguish as you drive by ! !--but soon I'll be on the road again!:D If things work out I'll be heading maybe over to Red Bluff to get some new springs put on the back of the truck when all this tooth stuff is done! Have a good trip!

I'm outta here!

Weather looks fair enough:

Just enough clouds for photogenicity!

You better drive real fast, that gray area to the nw is supposed to pack a short but nasty punch, but gone by noon from Reno-or so say the Reno weather folks. You may get to do an early cross country about Mineral or Morgan Pass! Might think about visiting the exhibits at Lassen Park for awhile-Have Fun!

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