Eastern Sierra in February...?


The Weatherman
Site Team
May 24, 2010
Bend, Oregon
Looking at the webcam views of the eastern Sierra this morning got me thinking:
"Maybe it's nearing time to visit there again..."

It would give me a chance to appreciate campable-in-winter spots like the Alabama Hills and Volcanic Tablelands.
I would bring my snowshoes and possibly XC-skis...
I'm thinking I'd do this in mid-February-ish...probably before Presidents Day weekend...maybe the week that ends with Presidents Day weekend.

My early-December trip to NW NV and SE OR was cold enough, but not snowy, and my early-January trip to central NV wasn't winter-like in any way. I feel like I need a bit of the bite and slap of winter...know what I mean?

Anyway...just throwing this out there in case anyone else might be or consider being in the area at about that time.
- Mark
here is Prez Weekend 2011 at Alabama Hills: http://youtu.be/W7HCkhh7Y44
We had the place completely to ourselves.

Thanks, Gene. That's just the kind of scene I'm looking for.

I figured that it might be semi-busy that weekend...maybe with climbers there for bouldering. I know guys who visit Joshua Tree on Pres-Day weekend for climbing.
The buttermilks are arother nice area to camp up there. I am going to be up there in March for the Blake Jones Trout derby in Bishop, St. Pattys day weekend. I hope to do as good this year as I did last year.


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Heres a few shots from the Buttermilks. I like to drive right up to the snow level and camp, and wake up to the snow all around.This was March last year.


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I hope to do as good this year as I did last year.

Wow! Going to have to change your name to "Fishslayer". :D And I think I've done well when I land a couple of planters. Sheesh.

Haven't heard of the Buttermilks. Time to go do some research.
Haven't heard of the Buttermilks. Time to go do some research.

Ted, think of Bishop's version of the Alabama Hills. Travel west on 168
My current plan is to leave on this trip on Monday the 13th. (unless I decide that I can skip an Event on the 12th...if so, I'll leave on the 10th).

I'm tentatively planning to make it a ~two-week trip, returning home on the 25th (because I have an Event on the 26th that I can't miss).

The relative lack of snow means that elevations usually inaccessible may not be -- unless more snow falls, and that's not in the current 10-day forecast for Bishop.


Actually, I really wouldn't mind getting snowed on once or twice while I'm down there....a little bit...couple inches maybe.
We'll see...
I soooooo want to go. Unfortunately I have committed to a trip to the Olympic Peninsula that first weekend. Have a great time though. You'll probably be alot warmer then me (certainly drier).

Home Skillet
I soooooo want to go. Unfortunately I have committed to a trip to the Olympic Peninsula that first weekend. Have a great time though. You'll probably be alot warmer then me (certainly drier).

Home Skillet

Mark, which way are you coming down? 97 to KFalls, to 139 to Susanville and then over to 395 or another way, like way over to the east and down! The reason I'm asking is I'm finding myself here in Susanville for a while, instead of leaving for the coast on Tuesday, like I had planned! I just broke a tooth and can't get it fixed until Wednesday, so I'm revising my trip, but I have to be back here on the 17th, so no long trips to the south. Up for a quick meet for a wolf hunt to the north or a stop at Eagle Lake-I'm probably open for short detour and explore somewhere on your run to Bishop! :LOL:!

Mark, which way are you coming down?....Up for a quick meet for a wolf hunt to the north or a stop at Eagle Lake-I'm probably open for short detour and explore somewhere on your run to Bishop!


Smoke -
A meet-up like this may work out...

I am definitely going through Susanville, at least on the way down. My usual route to the eastern Sierra is US97 to OR31, which takes off from 97 just south of LaPine, OR and heads SE to join US 395 at Valley Falls, about 25 miles north of Lakeview, then on 395 through/by Susanville and on and on...south.

This time, however, I'm going to start with an overnight visit to my folks in Redding (Dad entered nursing home last week)...but I'll still be going through Susanville because the most efficient (definitely shortest) route from Redding to the eastern Sierra starts by heading east from Redding on CA44, joining 395 at/near Susanville.
(Note to CA: If you used some of your extra cash to bore a tunnel under the central Sierras -- maybe from Mariposa to Bishop -- it would really open up eastern CA to winter visitation from The Valley.)

On my way home I'll probably take this same route in reverse...though I may cross the Sierras south side of Tahoe and head up I5 to Redding (for another overnight Family visit) on my way to Bend.

Let's discuss this off-line in PM form.
- Mark
talk to you in a bit!

Smoke, I just-now sent an e-mail to your personal e-mail.
They want to bore a hole alright, but its just suck all the water out of N.Cal for those thirst southerners.

We will be attending a family function in the Bay Area on the 18th that should end in the early afternoon. We may try to head over to the eastern Sierras after that for the rest of the holiday weekend. We'll try to get a hold of you closer to that date to see if we could meet up.

We will be attending a family function in the Bay Area on the 18th that should end in the early afternoon. We may try to head over to the eastern Sierras after that for the rest of the holiday weekend. We'll try to get a hold of you closer to that date to see if we could meet up.

Sounds good! :)
You guys have fun, I get to have a new crown put in instead of going and having fun:p! Oh-Boy Oh-Boy! Mark, sent you a pers. email with more info concerning possible return meet up! I am going to be a complete raving loony bird if I don't out of here soon!:eek:

Mark, sent you a pers. email with more info concerning possible return meet up!

Got it.
Take care of your tooth, and try to not go insane.
They want to bore a hole alright, but its just suck all the water out of N.Cal for those thirst southerners.

They tried that here about a hundred years ago here -dug a tunnel from Eagle Lake down to the Honey Lake Valley-for irrigation-didn't work very well, but sure messed up Eagle Lake- :LOL: sort of drained allot of it out! Put in plug/valve 20 years ago to slow the flow but because of the drought, they just shut off the flow last week to make some of the locals happy-something like 1/2 inch of lake level water flows through it yearly, but every bit counts, I guess! A couple of ranchers who where using that water, sort of unhappy-can't please everyone. So don't wish for something unless you you know what will really happen when you do it! But you are right, the south still keeps coming up with ideas to take the rest of our good water for their watermelon fields and this would be a good plan to follow-right!

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