Eastern Sierra Nevada & White Mts -- October 2012

My feet would be a hurtin.... :( Good going MarkBC!!! I can live vicariously through your wanderings... good for us working stiffs.
Another splendid trip report and pics from MarkBC. Many thanks.

You were looking directly at a neat glacial feature at the Lundy Canyon overlook. The side-canyon directly across and above the (dam?) holding back the reservoir is a "hanging valley". It has the glacial valley's U-shaped cross-section to the point at which it joined a larger glacier which scoured out Lundy Canyon. With the Lundy glacier and the side-canyon's glacier both receded, the U-shaped valley scoured by the "tributary" glacier was left much higher than the Lundy's canyon floor. Notice how the cross-section changes from a definite U shape up higher to a V-shape towards the lower end, and notice how the side-canyon's stream gradient increases suddenly at the very place the shape changes from U to V. That's a hanging valley right from the glacial geology textbook.

Part 5: WTW-Friends Rendezvous

Before I headed down from the Whites, from my 2-night campsite at the White Mt. Peak trailhead, I reflected that not only is White Mt. Peak the highest point I've reached (14,246 feet -- third highest peak in California), but this trailhead campsite (11,700 feet) is the highest elevation I've ever camped. It's actually higher than any point in Oregon! (let alone any point you can drive to in Oregon).
I had the luxury of being alone in my hike up the peak the day before (Thursday), but during the night and next morning, two parties showed up and started the hike before sunrise Friday.

So, down I drove...down, down, down, dropping 7500 feet down to US 395 and Bishop, where I refueled the truck and re-supplied my larder. Then north to the Virginia Lakes Rd, west to Dunderberg Rd, then north to the pre-arranged meeting spot, "Ted's Spot".
Arriving around 2pm I was the first, and I wasn't sure if I was in the right spot, but Ted & Donna showed up just a few minutes behind me.


Ted built a campfire in the bottom of a dry tarn, and we enjoyed it as the other folks -- Lighthawks and ski3pins -- showed up in turn.

A couple hundred yards east of the campspot was a big view of the area, and I spent some time out there in the early morning(s), as did others.


Apparently, Ladies like purple and blue:

I shot a few panoramas, and I think this one came out best. Here's a thumbnail-segment, showing The ski3pins enjoying the sunrise, each in their own way:

And here's a link to the full 360° rotatable pano:

Saturday, while the others explored an old mine I hung around camp mostly, feeling satisfied with my trip and deciding to relax...and install a power meter on the line to my DC-compressor fridge.

We were treated to a special happy hour, provided by the proprietor, head chef, and maitre 'd of Chez Campeur, Mr. Ted:

(he's not quite as blurry in person).

We were very lucky to receive this special meal as it's almost impossible to get reservations ahead of all the hipster foodies!


Fine, small-plate dining with a stunning view!

Saturday night there were signs of the weather that would be moving in...


And crazy windy clouds the next morning, too...



It was a very nice trip for me.
Weather was good to excellent. It never got below freezing where I camped (but it reached 25° in Bridgeport the night I stayed indoors there). Sunny but not hot so hiking was very pleasant.
I reached/repeated a new personal high (without ever getting high
I stuck to my diet and lost more weight.
I got reacquainted with some WTW friends, giving me more evidence that Californians can be darn nice folks!

Awesome trip report! It's really fun to see the WtW meetup as seen by the different participants.

Congrats on completing your long, high-elevation trek.

Thanks, all, for the kind words -- glad you liked my report.


This trip was 1582 miles. I spent $582 on 138 gallons of gasoline.

If gas was half the price, or if my truck got twice the mileage, or if I lived a few hundred miles to the south, I'd be down there all the time! Or maybe I'd be in southern/eastern Utah...or in the Sonoran Desert.

Looking at a map, it seems that Tonopah, Nevada is most-centrally located among my most-favorite destinations. Now that I don't need an employer anymore, I could live anywhere...not sure if I could live in Tonopah, though...
Oh, I'd be most Willin' to live in Tonopah! Or Tuscon, Tucumcari, or Tehachapi.............(Lowell George, 1969).
Mark, the photos are incredible and this is definitely one of the most spectacular trip reports ever posted here. I look forward to spending more time admiring this report.
Oh, I'd be most Willin' to live in Tonopah! Or Tuscon, Tucumcari, or Tehachapi.............(Lowell George, 1969).

I'm familiar with that song (and its refrain of "weed, whites, and wine" -- which I hope led to better monitoring of OTR truck drivers!
), but I recently discovered that there's a Tonopah, AZ, in addition to the Nevada town that I've been through many times...so I don't know which Tonopah the song means -- it makes a difference!

Mark, the photos are incredible and this is definitely one of the most spectacular trip reports ever posted here. I look forward to spending more time admiring this report.

Thanks, DD, but you're too kind...or maybe just drunk.
But thanks, anyway -- I appreciate it.

You're really making me second guess my decision not to try and climb the peak.

Well, craig, you probably have at least 6 months to think about your mistake before the road is open again to the trailhead. Unless you're particularly prone to altitude sickness (which is not the same thing as just breathing hard) -- you should be able to do this. I'm not in great shape -- even for my age -- just in decent shape, and I did it.
Yeh, Mark another great trip report, almost makes me wish I'd followed you guys south instead of going west to the coast! Your own personal waiter-can't beat that!


Awesome trip report! It's really fun to see the WtW meetup as seen by the different participants.

We have really enjoyed the different perspectives and styles. It is so much fun enjoying all these trip reports -



and Mr. BC's here.

Seems like we're just waiting to hear from our friend Ted!

Ted, Ted?
You're kidding, right? I haven't even done my Alaska TR from September yet. Sorry, I've been busy with my favorite holiday. Now that Halloween is over, I'll have more time to chime in. Well, I still have to take everything down and get it back into storage, but that can be done at a more leisurely pace.

It was great to camp with old friends again and to finally meet the Lighthawks. Its funny how we become familiar with people through their trip reports. So when you finally meet in person you feel like you already know each other.

I really don't have much to add to the three existing reports. My story telling and photography skills pale in comparison. Despite my claiming that the stories told about me in Ski3pin's TR are not true, photos in Lighthawk's and this TR corroborate with Ski's. So rather than claim a conspiracy, I admit to having a little fun this weekend. :D
You're kidding, right? I haven't even done my Alaska TR from September yet.

Ted, I can help. Send me a collection of photos and I'll put it together and provide a nice storyline................... :)

You are always fun and a great guy too.
Hey Ted did you decide on a camera to help put your trip reports up with?

Like I said in e mail we could have come down for the fall show of colors and I wanted to if we had not just come back from Ethiopia. We pretty much skipped this year. Read two reports and enjoyed both. BC congratulations on your climb. Now off to Ski’s to further my entertainment. (and when was the last time I posted??? )
It's alive! Hi Patrick.

(and when was the last time I posted??? )

March 16. It's easy to look up. Good to hear from you. Placed an order yesterday. I'll reply to your P.M.

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