Eastern Sierras ... Bodie, Brownies and Bears


Fire Proof
Jan 3, 2007
South Shores California
Left the S. Bay a little later than anticipated on Wed. evening so hit some of the LA commuter traffic on the way out of town. The first leg was pretty uneventful with the exception of Dylan Dog having a bad case of GAS !!! Guess who he was trying to blame it on? Spent the first night at Tuttle Creek, just outside of Lone Pine and got some much needed sleep. Luckily the BLM hadn't locked the gate yet as much of the USFS and BLM remote camp sites shut down around this time of year as I was later to find out. Woke to a crisp morning, (38 degrees) and after some coffee and blueberry pancakes we headed to Bishop to get some goodies at Schatz's and to top off with some diesle. When heading out of town I Spotted a FWC on A Ford CC, was that you Jeff ??

Arrived at Bridgeport Reservoir around noon and could'nt believe how low the water level was. While here I worked Dylan on some water retrieves and met the mngr. of the the local Marina and RV Park, "Jeffrie" who was nice enough to offer me a freebie stay as he was closeing up for the season. Lets see ... hot showers, a lakeside campsite, full hook up If I wanted and know one around but a fellow truck camper and a couple of his horse's. This was a no brainer and a shorter run to Bodie in the morning than if I was to head up to Twin Lakes as I had orignaly planned.

After a bone chilling night, (I was later told that the wind chill can drop into the teens when the Northerly blows off the lake) and having to run the Buddy Heater all night, I still woke with frost on the inside walls of the canvas. Ben, you will be happy to know that the o2 sensors that you install work very well as I was startled awake to its screeching alarm and also found that the Buddy Heater had automaticly shut down as it should have. Guess I should have open'd the vent a little more, Duhh.

Got to Bodie State Historic Park / Ghost Town around 8:00 am and spent half the day roaming around and taking pictures. I hadn't been here since I was a kid and it still looks the same. The State Parks maintains Bodie in a state of "arrested dacay" which is quite amazing. Between the year round Ranger stationed here, and the severe weather that occurs in this area, vandalisim has been minimal over the years. At one time Bodie had a population of over 10,000 people and was known to have been one of the wickedest places on earth. Today only about five percent of the original buildings are still in existence, still, Bodie is a Gem of the E. Sierra and should not be missed.

From Bodie we headed up to Twin Lakes to do a little fishing. I decided to stay at Craggs since it was almost empty and was in hiking distance to the lower Twin. I spent the rest of the day fishing for Brownies, (German Brown Trout) and ended up having a pretty good go of it, with the biggest one being over 3 1/2 lbs. Needless to say what was for dinner. Speaking of dinner, there is something about eating the Game or Fish you have just shot or caught that brings a sence of satisfaction and tastes all that much better. After a good meal of Brown Trout stuffed with baby red potatoes, onions, parsley, butter and a wedge of lemon, and some corn on the cob (all wrapped in foil and cooked on the fire) It was time to relax with some Old #7 and take in the smells and clear night sky of the high country as I warmed up to the amber light and crackle of the camp fire. Boy was I going to sleep good to night, or at least I thought.

At around midnight I was awoken to the dog growling and the sound of something wrecking havoc in the camp. I jumped out of bed and hit the lights on the back of the camper and was greeted by the sight of a BIG BEAR helping himself to the rest of my Brownies that I had secured, or at least thought I had in a Bear proof manner. The next morning I found out that I had been lucky compared to some others, as apparently my bear or possibly another had pillaged some other camps in the area to a greater degree. After a brief talk with the Ranger about the Bear encounter Dylan and I were off to Tioga Pass.

Late morning found us just shy of the entrance to Yosemite and after taking some pics we headed back down the 120 with thoughts of doing some more fishing in the Bishop Creek area. Ended up in the lower drainage area and had some luck with catching some nice Alpers. By now the the temperature was starting to drop fast and with the fading light of the day coming on, we headed back into Bishop and that a night of NO BEARS woud be nice and ended up staying at Browns for $16.00 a night. Browns is within walking distance of a number of Bisop's watering/eateries and a fine meal was had.

Sunday morning found us heading back South bound on the 395 in some what of a proverbial fog with the reality of what was facing me on Monday. All in all it was a great trip, and like others have stated before you can't beat the Eastern Sierras. Here are some pics. The first ones are of my stay in Bridgeport followed by Bodie and then the entrance to Yosemite. I have some others of Twin Lakes and Bishop Creek that I will post later.



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Pics of Bodie


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More of Bodie


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The last of Bodie


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Hwy 120 near the entrance to Yosemite


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Great pics and report Marc, thanks for posting. I reckon I gotta do that Bodie thing too.
Hi Marc,

Great trip and story. I like your pictures especially the ones of Bodie in black and white.

I have stayed at the Craggs campground a few times when our local friend goes down there. He told me that one year I did not go, a big Black Bear pushed over the dumpster and then proceeded to go to another campground and rip into two cars.

Glad you two had a good trip.
Dear Marc-

We forgive you for not getting a picture of the bear! :eek:

Would you do anything differently next time not to attract it to you?

(Wanting to learn about bear encounters from others' experiences...)

I thought I had taken the proper precautions to preserve the Trout I had caught. I packaged up the fish and put them in my home made bear proof box that has served me well untill this instance. This paticular bear was very persistant, and after his third time back at my camp he managed to get it open. I highly recomend that if your in "Bear Country" and their are Bear proof lockers around you use them.

Great pics and trip report Marc.

Love the black & whites of the ghost towns. Looks like a chilly first morning in Lone Pine. It sounds like you ate well. You can't blame the bear for looking for leftovers. :)
Seems like you guys like the BW shots of Bodie so here are some more.



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And some more of Bodie.


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Yea! More pictures!!!

Thanks Marc,

Really nice black and whites;) . Bodie pictures come to life in black and white.

These are digital captures and then changed to B/W in camera or PS? Have not done this with my Canon 5D or in Photoshop yet, but if I found a scene that B/W would do it better justice I sure would give it a shot.
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