Engel top loading Fridge - ice cubes and ice cream

RC Pilot Jim

Senior Member
Nov 19, 2010
San Diego Calif
We extended our trip to the 2015 NoCal rally to 7 days. Arriving home and unloading the "fridge" we discovered the ice container still full of ice cubes. Fridge temp 38*.

Wonder if a pint or half pint of ice cream :eek: would stay semi-hard over that period?

Hmmmm .......My next test....
Which fridge are you refering to?

Just be careful Jim, last time my fridge wouldn't keep ice cream cold, I started reading wanter the west.

Next thing you know, I'm tearing out my camper door because my new compressor fridge won't fit without the door being taken out!

You guys should have a warning on your website:

Warning! This site may lead to significant camper modifications!
Ours is the portable Engle MT 35 Top Loader see picture.


Yes Dr.J, I know about camper modifications as I have been "tweaking" ours for 3 years now :)
RC Pilot Jim said:
100....well if it freezes on the bottom try a pint and see :)

Another feature of the portable...if it works.
Try the Talenti pints. Screw on lid just incase it melts. If it does you have a milk shake ready to go.


I have a Dometic 110L compressor. The reason the ice cream wouldn't last would not be the fridge's fault. It would simply be eaten. ;)

Thanks Bill, I will try the Talenti and report back in a few weeks.

Paul I like your reason...the problem with the portable fridges is normally it is either a fridge or freezer not both at same time.

It is great that I have drink ice though as ice only lasts 1-2 days in an ice chest.
Since returning from our East coast trip the weather down here has been yucky...cold and rainy. Though the rain is good as we are double our normal "hardly any rain" average.

A perfect time to test the feasibility of ice cream in a fridge,

Results were bad and good. The bad - 12 hours later even at 37* the Gelato was soup. The good - We love Talenti Gelato especially the Coconut. The raspberry is good too.

So we will just be happy with drink ice and go to the ice cream store as we travel around. :)
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