External Power Cord?


May 16, 2011

Great forum! I just got a 2001 FWC Grandby, and I'd like to get a power cord for shore power at campgrounds.

What kind of cord will work, and where can you buy them? I have the large plug that would fit the campground outlet, but nothing else.

I don't know much about electronics - any advice in layman's terms is appreciated!

I use a standard extension cord from the home center. This keeps my battery charged and runs the 3way refrigerator. You will need an adapter to go from the standard 3 prong plug the the large RV type plug. The home center may carry the adapter, or try Walmart. As a last resort try a RV supply store, they'll charge more for the same things. Hope this helps.

Like Mike, I carry a standard extension cord and the necessary adaptor. I store the cord in the truck bed by one of the tie down sliders. That way it is out of the way but easily accessible when needed. By the way, I store a standard garden hose there too to fill up the water tank (referring to your other thread).

Congrats on the Grandby. You will really enjoy it.
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