Fall Color Trip - East Side Sierra Nevada - October 2018

Thanks Ski.Nice to see some beautiful fall color.
Not much color here in Barcelona. Just some rain/thunder/lighting/hail.
Very fun weather here.
Great to see the east side.
Happy Halloween.
Thanks for the adventure Ski! We missed going down and enjoying a look between commitments , travel to Africa and being sick it just did not work out. Thanks for reporting and including your wonderful photos.
Enjoyed the write up, thanks for sharing ski3pin. Very pretty area that's about 2 hrs from us, so it's on our list of places to check out soon.
Another great trip report, especially since it mentioned us. We were delighted to run into you at the laundromat and enjoyed our conversation quite a lot. We've learned so much useful information from your blog. After we saw you we made several of the alpine lake hikes in the Eastern Sierras (beautiful weather) and then moved on to Death Valley where we finally hiked Telescope Peak and Kaleidoscope Canyon which have long been goals. After being slightly lit up by lightning at the Grand Canyon, we managed to meander our way home to South Carolina after ten weeks and about 11,000 miles on the road. Maybe we'll cross paths again next year. In any event we'll be keeping up with your travels on your blog.
As I wrote in our blog story, it was a highlight of the trip meeting and chatting with you two! Sounds like you had quite the adventure. Thanks for the nice comment. Safe travels and perhaps our paths will cross again. :)
Thanks for sharing the fall colors in the Sierras with us.
Us Easterners have had a rather bland show of Mother Nature's glories this year due to all the rain, but like you we did manage to take our fall trip along the Blue Ridge Parkway and stop at Mabry Mills to look around and have a fantastic breakfast of Buckwheat pancakes on the last day before they closed for the season...
Thanks for another report from along one of my favorite roads, US395! I always loved camping around there in the fall and do love all your quakie shots!
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