Fall Colors


Site Team
Dec 27, 2006
East of Sacramento
We had canceled a few trips due to my wife having the flu, but finally got a chance for a quick runaway. Got a late start after work Friday so just went about 1/2 mile up Burnside Lake Road and found a spot to boondock for the night. Took a quick photo before leaving the next morning.

Hope Valley

Heading up Monitor Pass


HWY 395 near Virginia Lakes Road. Colors are kind of muted here.

Poole Power Plant Road above Lee Vining. We had planned to camp here but all the campgrounds were closed and didn't find any boondock areas.

So headed down to June Lakes and did the loop. Good colors here.


Camped at Oh! Ridge on June Lake. Donna checking out the lake.

Had a quiet night, the campground was almost empty. Took a shot of the lake in the morning and headed home.

Overall, I'd say the colors are muted this year and have been better in past years. But there is still some good colors to be had if you can get there in the next week or two. Hope Valley and June Lake Loop were very good. Parts of Lee Vining were good. With the lack of time, we never made it down to Bishop to check out Lake Sabrina, Rock Creek, and other popular locations for color.
Ted we must have been dancing around and just missing each other. Did you see a 4 Runner and a white Casita trailer?

Or just the gold 4 Runner on Saturday?

Carol and I found some good color and took lots of pictures.

Great photos Ted. The colors look really nice. I know what you mean about the presents of somebody else. I had the same feeling in Silverton.


I love the pics. Thanks for sharing. Especially love the pic of the Arrogant Bastard Ale on the table. My favorite!

Ted would have claimed ultimate victory if he had Pliny Elder in that shot instead - we can't get that here anymore.
Hey Ted I'm adding to you post of pictures.....

Here is what I was driving...I did see 2 other FWC around the area but not yours.

Hey Ted I'm adding to you post of pictures.....

Here is what I was driving...I did see 2 other FWC around the area but not yours.

So what are you doing with that new base camp of yours? Lots of hiking?
So what are you doing with that new base camp of yours? Lots of hiking?

Yes it does work very well as a base camp(very nice shower). Have used it about 7 - 8 times this summer. Even slept in the back of the 4 Runner 4 times. The FWC sure would have been nice on those trips. And yes we did a lot of hiking and peak bagging this past season. Life is good...don't slow down...keep moving.
Thanks for the nice comments on the photos. But what a difference when Pat posts his photo. I'm a guy with a cheap camera thinking, "Ooh, that looks pretty" and Pat has a real camera and talent.

Pat, I was looking Casitas while on the trip in case you were out. Only saw one but it wasn't a 4 Runner towing it. I don't know your 4 Runner well enough to notice it without the Casita. Now I know what to look for from your photos.

Ted there must be a story about the hat?
Especially love the pic of the Arrogant Bastard Ale on the table.

Hat??? Arrogant Bastard??? Not sure what you are refering to. Looked back at the photos and didn't see any hat or beer. Am I missing something?

Nice pics Ted. Sorry if peeking in your camper window made you uncomfortable.
DD, you were there? Never saw your truck or Diego?
Good photos of a great time of year. I appreciate others posting pictures of beautiful scenes they run across.
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