Feels like fall...

ski3pin said:
Mr. BC, if I zoomed in on that map, where would I currently find your smiling face? :)
I'm at the Vons in Mammoth Lakes, after spending two nights on the south side of Mono Lake.

Maybe heading to Alabama Hills today...but haven't decided for sure.
Cool looking effect this morning in northern WA/ID/MT and southern BC:


Fog/low-clouds settled into the valleys, maybe caused by a temperature inversion caused by the high pressure over the west?
Also visible in this satellite view, similar-looking but different: Highest ridges and peaks whitened with snow.
ski3pin said:
Snow overnight
We got a dusting in Bend -- first snow of the season!


And I managed to capture an image of the elusive High Desert Snow Cat -- which uses a tactic of anti-camouflage to confuse other critters.
Well, it's barely mid-fall and yet I just put my set of snow tires on my Honda Civic. I'm going to drive to Portland, crossing the Cascades, with several inches of snow at pass level in the forecast. :eek:
I have the snow tires on a separate set of wheels, so it's a DIY operation for me...saves me the long wait -- sometimes all day -- line-up at the local tire shops when the first snow flies this time of year.
MarkBC said:
Well, it's barely mid-fall and yet I just put my set of snow tires on my Honda Civic. I'm going to drive to Portland, crossing the Cascades, with several inches of snow at pass level in the forecast. :eek:
I have the snow tires on a separate set of wheels, so it's a DIY operation for me...saves me the long wait -- sometimes all day -- line-up at the local tire shops when the first snow flies this time of year.
And the separate set of snow tires and rims are going on the Lady's car tomorrow or should we delay and ensure an early and strong start to the winter by being unprepared? This is traditionally a first weekend in November chore.
It seems that on the Caltrans road site the pass's that were closed at the beginning of the week are now open.Even Lassen might reopen if there isn't any more snow soon.Go figure.Happy fall and don't forget to turn the clocks back an hour.
Mark,liked the camo cat.
Quite a tight spiral wound up off of Vancouver Island this morning!


That deep low is sucking in lots of air...gusts up to 45 mph forecast for central Oregon.
Temperature started at 44° this morning. It has been dropping steadily and is now 33° a little after noon. Does feel like Fall. :)
It's 23°F here and snowing lightly -- enough to turn the ground white. Probably won't be a lot of accumulation as it's supposed to clear off tonight and stay clear -- and COLD -- for several days. High Wednesday forecast to be 18° with a low the following night of 2°. Nothing close to a record, which would be well below zero...but still nose-hair-freezing cold. ;)
California winter arrived today. It was 73 yesterday and it is 53 now. Should be around 30 tomorrow morning.
19 degrees at 4am this AM with an inch of snow in our higher altitude. Downtown Bellingham bare and dry and it's sunny! We are at 800 ' altitude; B'ham is mostly sea level in downtown core.
Well, this part of California is more like Mr. BC land up in Oregon :oops: , some light snow falling, enough to stick, but not the good deep stuff, and we have a 20-30 degree shift to the cold from the 50 and 60's of the weekend. 6 degrees tonight, with a several days of the same-single digits at night and teens and twenties during the day, with a light to moderate wind and some snow, to look forward too! Bah-humbug, to cold outside to pack the FWC and find someplace warm to play so I got just put another log on the fire and read our member Wallers new book , Monitor Range although its probably snowing there now as it is in the book :eek: !

First real winter storm hitting here now. As much as 2 feet of snow north by Lake Superior, not so much here in the south- mostly freezing rain and maybe 6 inches of snow as we are right on the boundary. Serious cold coming for the weekend though- 14 below zero forecast for Friday. Might be as many as 5 nights below zero and days in the single digits. Like you Smoke, time to fill up the wood bin.
The NBC news last night showed Duluth and the lake shore.Looked like the ocean.They said Twin Harbors had 2' of the white stuff.
It's 29 here this morning and a couple more days of cold for us than back to normal.
Looks like winter is on it's way.
Stay warm.
Only dropped to 24° overnight. Forecast is for 1 - 3 inches of snow on Friday and another 8 - 12 inches Friday night.
The cold winds out of the Fraser River Valley in BC blew into Whatcom county yesterday. It was 9 degrees at 4 am but was 20 degrees at 10:30 PM last night. My husband is busy filling the bird feeder and our past prime apples are finding eager eaters. We have mallards, doves, black caps, snow robins, flickers, and assorted sparrows. We don't get the winds but do get the chilling effect as Galbraith Mountain blocks the wind. Keep warm.
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