Fire or Cloud?

No lack of fires to account for the smoke.


Ya just had to spoil the image of miles of Great Basin Wild Rye waving in the wind as it covers southern Oregon and Nevada as we frolicked among the clear running creeks with the happy critters! Thank the Russians for it and Madusha Head, if they work fast sometimes you can slow down Cheat grass and the other bad things, but you $ and people who understand it. We can wish for the best. Supper smoky here, have the floor fans on for the first time today. Been hearing fire engines hope they are not coming here. time to go watch shark week on Discovery while we still have power; we can talk cheat grass later when I can breath!

Yeah. Another bad one, alright.

Well today is reaching the almost worst smoky day I've ever spent in the last 30 plus years here in S:mad:usanville. :mad:A new fire has started up at Rush creek-about 40 miles NE of here. The winds and smoke are really really bad---and I'm stuck here( xcept for a short trip somewhere maybe soon) until next Tuesday! Guys it bad here and any old folks w/o ac could be in problems-me i'm in the wind enough up here above susieville that I can still breath. But I have on all my old fans and floor fans going when the wind isn't blowing and I'm not sitting on the back deck. It's sort of like how the disaster movies picture the end of the earth when the environment crashes here gray, hot and smelly!:rolleyes:Been getting a sprinkle or two of rain and hearing some thunder out there-wonder when the power will go! more wind and rain!

...It's sort of like how the disaster movies picture the end of the earth when the environment crashes...

Or maybe how a typical day in Los Angeles looked before "those g-d environmentalists!" started meddling...
Well, the Rush fire is up to 96,000 acres. This area is one that burns allot, seems to me we started a rehab there not to many years before I retired:)! This whole area has a long history of repeated wild fires. Lot's of smoke here-next week i'm out I hope!

Lots of smoke and heat in Sacramento area too. This is something like day 10 in a row of 100 degrees or more. Heading for the coast Friday. Fog, no smoke, cool temps = :D
Lots of smoke and heat in Sacramento area too. This is something like day 10 in a row of 100 degrees or more. Heading for the coast Friday. Fog, no smoke, cool temps = :D


Wish I could join you, can't leave until next week! Well power has been out here a couple of times in the last two days-yesterday, from 4 pm until 2 am. This is sure getting tiring. I understand PG&E let our local power co-LMUD-switch to our local geothermal/wood power plant until the main power lines coming up the Feather River Canyon are safe from the fires(Chips Fire). The fire (Rush) just to the north of us is over 200,000 acres now-it's covering most of the area I worked in allot for 25 years (Smoke Creek/High desert Country)-even helped write the last fire plans/EIS (sure hope they work)! Nice country, but historically fire prone and with such dry veg. and drought conditions for the last few years a hot area for fires-hope they the funds to rehab it properly-here comes the cheat grass. Really hot and smoky here, no fun!

Wow -- 4 smokes visible in Nor-California....I'm sure there are others going, but these are what's visible from 22,000 miles up.

Well today-we can almost breath:LOL:!! It rained some yesterday-sort of cleared up the area a bit! Thinking real hard about taking a short run up to the lake on Thursday to test out some new toys. Hopefully, will go on a longer adventure some after that!



I'm familiar with that area that's burning between Lassen N.P. and Redding, near CA 44, threatening Shingletown and a couple other little communities. Scary/sad.
Interesting how the smoke settles into the valleys when the winds calm at night:

It looked bad -- smoky -- in Bend Sunday morning -- I could see haziness in as little as 100 yards distance.
Apparently it reached the "unhealthy" level for a while:
"Bad Air in Bend"
Most of the Norcal fires are well underway being contained finally. Unfortunately red flag conditions are in the forecast tomorrow. Hope the lines hold.
Mr. BC, these have been incredible photos. Thanks!

Thanks, Mr. pin. :)
I took my spaceship up for a spin this morning, and I noticed that smoke from a fire in Shasta County (CA) visibly spread over southeast when I reached 22,000 miles altitude I snapped this photo:


Wonder if there is any smoke up that high? Well I'm back from Eagle Lake; maybe I should have stayed! Smoke was starting to clear out sometimes there, but I also spent the worst day in over 30 years up there-woke up by the smoke at Oh dark thirty, then attacked by lot's of "no-see-ums", the the worst afternoon winds I've ever seen up there-damn near took off my awning before i could get it down. Bob enjoyed his swims, but the lake is real real low! Hot muggy days, all in all not much fun! My new toys worked just fine and the smoke and weather was getting better, but had things to do back in Susanville. Smoke bad here, winds all night and sometimes way to much wind-now get this the day temp is in the mid 80's (down from the 90's) and you need a blanket at night now and I have to wear long pants when I walk the dog in the morning-then the heat and semi-clear skys come in-my furance is acting up so no heat in the early mornings till i get it fixed-what strange weather! :cool: They say smoke -smoke and more smoke and high winds for a while, but the many fires surrounding us here seem to be getting sort of under control. Hope to head north week after next (once I get the heater fixed)---great to be home!

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