First Aid Kit Advice

Take a look at the pre packaged kits from Rescue Essentials. Great company that really tries to provide good stuff for specialized needs. They worked wth me before I retired to put together a great first aid package for the pilots that worked for my in a wilderness area and wilderness situations.

With my former employer, I received wilderness first aid training every year at our annual training. Now that I'm retired, I do it on my own. Good refreshers with the Wilderness First Aid, Advanced First Aid and First Responder. Take one and you own't be sorry for investing in the time.
Me I have kits everywhere, two in the house, one in the truck, one in the pop-up, and smaller ones in my day and fishing packs. What is important to remember is that every kit you carry or training you take, for me, the #1 thing to do is to go through your kit(s) once year or so and replace those things whose use by date has been reached!!! Nothing worse than to need something and discover it is crusted over or it doesn't stick or work anymore-it's sort of like heading to the woods but forgetting to fill the gas tank first. That same idea holds with first aid training--- things change all the time so it's a good idea to keep up with them.

Knowledge is power, especially in the medical realm. A WFR class like mentioned before was one of the most beneficial courses I've ever taken. Now that I'm an EMT I still look back on a lot of those skills, especially in the backcountry. That being said, stopping by your local EMS organization and asking them to take a look at your kit if they're not busy couldn't hurt either. Community outreach is a priority to a lot of services.

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