First Snow!


The Weatherman
Site Team
May 24, 2010
Bend, Oregon
Overnight/this-morning was the first snow that covered the ground here in Bend.
As measured on the top railing of my front deck, it's about 2.5 inches deep. 28° at the time. I was standing bare-foot in the snow for this shot.





"OK, I've had enough fun -- let me in now."

I'm kinda surprised she was interested in going out at all, considering she hasn't had to deal with snow since spring...but maybe she saw me go out in bare feet, so that shamed her into willingness. I thought she was going to seek out bare dirt under the neighbor's eaves know (my house doesn't have eaves), but all she did was munch on dry weeds/grass. Cats want/need fiber, too.

Anybody else have "first-snow-at-my-house" photos to share?
Last week in Nevada City at my house.


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    snow and shop 080 (1024x768).jpg
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    snow and shop 081 (1024x768).jpg
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Yeah sirens all over this morning. The inevitable first snow driving chaos :oops:

"OMG! What's this white stuff on the road! It's slippery! OMG -- why am I sliding past the STOP sign into the intersection?! My foot is pressed down on the brake, and yet I'm not stopping!"
Last week in Nevada City at my house.

Looks like above NC to me!
We did get a few inches on Banner Mtn. at 3350'

On a similar note, guess I'll put my chains in the FWC for our East Side trip next week. :unsure:
4WD does pretty much all I ever need, but I would feel foolish to get stuck if I had the right hardware sitting at home in my garage!
Looks like above NC to me!
We did get a few inches on Banner Mtn. at 3350'

On a similar note, guess I'll put my chains in the FWC for our East Side trip next week. :unsure:
4WD does pretty much all I ever need, but I would feel foolish to get stuck if I had the right hardware sitting at home in my garage!

Very good!!Zip code is 95959 though :cautious:

I'm up by Scotts Flat

Come by the shop one day
1020 Whispering Pine
Looks like above NC to me!
We did get a few inches on Banner Mtn. at 3350'

On a similar note, guess I'll put my chains in the FWC for our East Side trip next week. :unsure:
4WD does pretty much all I ever need, but I would feel foolish to get stuck if I had the right hardware sitting at home in my garage!

Good thought about the chains.I was told that if you get stuck or have an accident and the chain signs R1,R2,R3 are up you can get some mighty big tickets.I have always carried them even with 4WD.You just never know.Have a safe trip.Should be some nice scenes with the snow.



"OK, I've had enough fun -- let me in now."

I'm kinda surprised she was interested in going out at all, considering she hasn't had to deal with snow since spring...but maybe she saw me go out in bare feet, so that shamed her into willingness. I thought she was going to seek out bare dirt under the neighbor's eaves know (my house doesn't have eaves), but all she did was munch on dry weeds/grass. Cats want/need fiber, too.

Anybody else have "first-snow-at-my-house" photos to share?

Mark I hope the PETA people aren't checking this site.Have fun in the snow.Just starting to sprinkle here on the coast.

Mark I hope the PETA people aren't checking this site.

You mean People for the Eating of Tasty Animals? They're fine with it.

(she has a cat door, and she uses it...but if I'm within sight she always asks me to let her out or in
Come by the shop one day
1020 Whispering Pine

Will do, Mark. I was just thinking I need to drop in and check it out.
After all my business is located less than a mile from your new place. :oops:

Next week we are heading out to Benton for the big T-Day, so it will probably be the following week.

Enjoy the snow up by Scott's!
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