Free Food


Advanced Member
Nov 9, 2009
Now that I have your attention, you know that spare change jar we all have laying around, or maybe an extra 10 or 20 dollars. I'm posting this site as an example, more than likley you have some kind of organization in your area, help them out, we owe these guys at the very least a roof over their heads. Thank You For Your Help
We will be working through the weekend becouse we delivered over 1500 pounds of dry foods to the sacramento loaves and fishes shelter for the homeless today. Any person that would like to drop off at our shop with or without a camper will be more than welcome. This shelter is a must have for our town. No we are not always involved like this. It just came together today and worked out well.

That is really the Holiday spirit. Food banks everywhere are in dire need. Here in Tucson we are under 50% of what we had last year and folks are lined up at 6AM for a 9:30 opening.

Thank You!

That is really the Holiday spirit. Food banks everywhere are in dire need. Here in Tucson we are under 50% of what we had last year and folks are lined up at 6AM for a 9:30 opening.

Thank You!

Mr. Pueblo, it's the same everywhere you go. I know it's a struggle for a lot of people right now. I sometimes will go to the boat very early in the morning usually around 2am.,. It's been very cold up here, we have had temps. in the low 20s. all week long and I see so many people wandering the streets freezing, more than I have ever seen. It really makes me realize how lucky I am. We can all do something, it doesn't have to be money, look in your closet, I bet you have an old coat you don't wear anymore and I know for sure that there is someone that would love to have that coat. I'm a change hoarder, I had jars of it sitting on the kitchen counter, some of it has been sitting there for years, it's not doing me or anybody else any good just sitting there. Now it's not, and maybe today somebody's life will be just a little better, I sure hope so. If you really want to know what Christmas is all about try it, you will get a feeling that you can't get any other way.

You nailed it!!! When I was a working man (way back in '04)I would always manage 2 or 3 days a week to get to Palisades Park in Sta. Monica around 3 AM with clothes and shoes for the hundreds of homeless (many veterans)that were there. It started out just emptying my closet and then just about everyone I knew started giving me there old usable clothes. I did it for 10 years. I never felt I should sell clothes at yard sales or on ebay when there were so many needy out there. Now I take them to the local fire station and they pass them out.

I have never been a religious person but there by the grace of something go I. I am thankful that I am able to do what little I do. And believe me I get more out of it than those who get the clothing and food do.

We all need to step up. Its the right thing to do.
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