
New Member
May 12, 2018

I am looking for advice from my fellow wanderers. After years of underemployment and poverty, I enrolled in med school at age 30 and started making a good salary around age 40. It was hard work, friends. It still is. Now I am 48, trying to sell a too-big house on which I will take a big loss, and getting a divorce (no children, thankfully). Things did not work out as hoped. Ironically, I was happier when I was living in a home-made camper with my girl in the bed of a Dodge Ram 50 in the 1990's. Now, I have been possessed with a desire to shed all encumbrances and get back to a simpler life. A series of logical decisions has lead to the absurdity of a $130K flatbed hawk build on an F350.

That's background. Now, the question: I have the cash to buy it outright. It will probably totally clean my clock, especially given the loss I will take on said nightmare house. Should I do it, which makes no financial sense but is exciting, or invest the money and keep driving the 2012 Subaru Outback, which is much more sensible but incredibly boring? Or some other option I am not thinking about? I'm not sure if buying the dream flatbed setup represents another false step down the path of consumerist delusion, or a step toward some kind of idea of freedom and independence.

Your wisdom and advice is greatly appreciated,

Wow, that's a lot of change. I recommend to proceed with any changes very slowly. If it were me, I would not buy such an expensive rig until back to a steady-state condition.
Words of wisdom and restraint are what I am looking for, friend. I appreciate it.
If selling the big house and buying a popup truck camper means living full time in a FWC, then it might be a good idea to consider a van or other RV before spending big dollars on any RV.
That is sensible. I was thinking of a cheap rental apartment to supplement the FWC, but I see what you mean, a less expensive setup would make more sense.
A new Mercedes Sprinter Van with all the whistles is around $150,000+/-. A new FWC Grandby on a flatbed with a new heavy duty truck will be around $85,000+/-. A new Northern Lite hardside camper on a new heavy duty truck will be around $100,000+/-. These are estimates. The Northern Lite is a 2-piece fiberglass, like a clam shell.
I would just watch this forum and others to find a better price point vehicle and truck, bank the savings and travel for a few years. It sounds like you have the desire to be "on your own" for a bit. You'll meet great people, etc. too.
If you finished med school that’s all you will ever need to be considered credit worthy. Get job and buy the camper setup you want. If you haven’t finished school, buy it anyway.
Not sure that living in an FWC full-time while working makes sense. Also, using truck with camper as a daily driver if there is any kind of commute/traffic isn't the most enjoyable nor is it fuel efficient (I did it for a few years). I would look at the truck camper combo as being my getaway/explore/vacation piece, have a small inexpensive home base and a used car that can be used for commuting and running around town. For me the $$ I save not commuting in the truck/camper just about makes the car payments on my commuter and the stress level is a lot lower driving a smaller car on the freeway in traffic every day.
Maybe I missed it but are you considering living in it full-time, or buying it as an escape when you can get away? Do you have time off of work enough to make good use of it?
foeger said:
Should I do it, which makes no financial sense but is exciting, or invest the money and keep driving the 2012 Subaru Outback, which is much more sensible but incredibly boring? Or some other option I am not thinking about?
I think you already answered your own question.
Fleeting and Exciting is just that, the high of the purchase will end and might turn into buyers remorse or worse.

I can only say a well laid out plan is usually much better than jumping in blind. I don't know your situation but I can only comment on my own which has been a 10 year plan to obtain the setup that I desire to enjoy eventually on a low fixed income in the future. Rash decisions in the past led me to living in a car for 6 months, I know from my experience I'd never want to be there again. The RV lifestyle is my end goal. This time I plan on doing it right. My vote is the boring way isn't always so boring. As the plan comes together it is actually quite exciting year after year...and when the final goal is in sight, now that's really exciting...

Good Luck with your decisions.
My friend, being financially sound in all aspects of your life is true freedom. You would be surprised how much money you have, if when that check comes it's yours. No matter how large or small the check is, if it's yours, not to pay a mortgage, or car payment, or camper payment, or credit card payment, ITS YOURS to do with & enjoy as you wish. We all struggle when we're young, but as time goes by it should get easier. True freedom with your time & money is when it's yours, not owed to anyone. In my opinion start simpler & work your way up. When you own it, it's yours & no one can come get it if you can't make the payments. Just my opinion. Good luck my friend.
Hi Foeger,

Like others have said, you probably don't need to spend that amount of money on a rig.

My recommendation: get a rig to travel with, something reliable. With the medical training, go volunteer with some organization like (this is just the first thing that came up on google).

You'll travel north America, meet a lot of new people, and really make a difference. Plus, I'm sure the locals would show you the best camping spots!

I hope this helps. You have a great opportunity here! With the right planning and asking a lot of questions, you will really be satisfied and happy with what you end up doing.

Remember, the rig is meaningless - it's the adventure itself that holds the meaning.

Too much money.

The changes you want to make seem good but not wiping out finances.
Get out of anything bad in your life; (relationships, mortgages that make no sense, etc).

You can get out of the bad stuff and be in a better place without the 135k expense.

My brand new truck and brand new Grandby ran me $66,000 and all of it came with great warranties.

I owned a good business in Miami for 17 years. I had 2 condos and a house and worked my ass off 7 days a week for the last 10 years of that chapter to get all that crap.
I was running full speed every day all day making good money and watching life and the world go by.
I then watched my parents die at a good old age (89 & 92) and said; wait a minute, relationship sucks, I'm working all the time, the hell with it.
I sold everything I owned and bought a small house at 10,000 feet in The Rockies, a truck & FWC and life is now so good it's like a dream.
Point only get one life, one shot. The quality of that life is up to you and your decisions and it is NOW.
Some famous photographer once said "Anyone who spends more money on camera gear than film, is no photographer." It's not the gear (camper) that will fulfill you, it's the adventure/journey along the way that will.

Get the nice flatbed if you want--you've earned it, just don't expect it to be anything more than it is, which is just STUFF.
Wow, heavy thread : )

Agree with so much said above...

There are so many opportunities as a doc. Get out and connect and share your gift. You'll get back 10 fold what you give.

A camper is just a thing. What you do with it is what counts to your soul. FWCs are bomb, but they're just a means to an end.

Bad stuff doesn't just go away. Like patrkbukly said, you have to make the decision and you have to act (rationally) on it.

Sorry things in your marriage fell apart, but life is short and you only get one spin. Listen to your heart. I'm 10 years out of a bad marriage and at 58, my life is the best it's ever been.

So smile, be glad you have some capacity to support yourself, and give serious thought to what will make you truly happy. Then go there (maybe in in a FWC ; )

Best wishes,

I think you need to take step back and just chill for a bit. Congrats on your med school endeavor. Sorry for your personal strife. As far as your camper thoughts, I'd advise to lower your sights. You'll do better with a used unit and have money in your pocket for other fun things. You are already in line to take a big hit on your home. Don't do the same thing with a high dollar camper......put some of the cash in a small apartment and a used rig. Just my take.....I blown a fortune in my life...not sorry but would be wiser if I could do over.
My opinion is this will not fill the hole in you heart for long.
Sock some money away, plenty of real nice pop ups to get you away for the weekend. Newer used trucks are everywhere and you can get a good deal. I’m assuming you’re still working so how often are you gunna get out and enjoy the camper, if you were retired and hitting the road full time maybe but financial freedom like posted before is awesome. Amazing how much the money multiples when you are not paying it to everyone else.


Congrats on the med school, sorry to hear of the divorce.
I think too many people think work is adverse to pleasure. I think you should enjoy your work. Work complements the man. Then, on your day off, go hang out in your $100k FWC set up.
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