Fwc Press Release

Fortunately, because packing & unpacking stinks, I won't have to move. I was however, almost willing to move when we pulled into Woodland earlier this month and I saw that they have an In N Out burger there...

I do suspect that I will be spending quite a few days next year getting much more familiar with I-80 across Nevada, Bonneville Salt Flats and Wendover.



Try 50 :D There is a decent FS campground E of Austin that I have spent a few nights in.
Barko1 is right take 50 - too many Lances on 80 - and don't forget to stop for a soak at Spencer Hot Springs, best on a cold winter morning with new snow on the Toiyabes.
Try 50
There is a decent FS campground E of Austin that I have spent a few nights in.

Bob Scott campground.

Congratulations KC in you new endeavor,

Carson City is on the way to Woodland on highway 50, But I-80 is a straight shot.

You don't know me, though hopefully we'll meet soon. You've heard this story before, but it was your exceptional photography, storytelling, and advocacy that got me and my wife off our duffs and into one of these things. We couldn't be happier and anytime you post up a thread with pics of some new adventure we're elbowing each other saying "Man, we have to go there!"

Stan and crew are lucky to have you. Hope to meet at one of these rallies and buy you a beer.

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