Garmin Overlander

I know this is an older thread but I wanted to add my .02 worth. This past week we vacationed up in the Durango, CO area for the first time. I have had my Overlander for a few years. I recently purchased a year of OnX Offroad for my phone. I downloaded the area maps for offline use. At this point, I had both units running on one of our offroad days. Our friend's have used OnX for a while and that is all they had.

Here is what I found. OnX is fine, IF you have cell service. Even with the offline maps, it wouldn't allow me to start tracking a trail. Our friend's didn't have the offline maps, so they didn't get anything. They did have a book outlining the trail but somehow we got off on a wrong route. I had my Overlander up, which showed the trails in the area AND I was doing a "track route" so when we got on the wrong trail, I was able to use that to get us back on track. The Overlander worked great without any cell coverage, which is the biggest flaw to these online phone systems. Sure things like OnX work great, if you have cell and/or downloaded maps ahead of time. I didn't have any issues with the Overlander without any cell coverage. It also connects to my InReach Mini and my phone (not that I use any of the phone features).

In the end, I am not planning to keep my subscription of OnX after the year is up. Sure the Overlander doesn't have some of the ease of trip planning BUT it works when I need it to work. This is not the first time I have had someone trying to route a trail with a cell based system and it not work but we used our Overlander to get us where we wanted to go.

Just my observation based on the first time using two different types of GPS trail routing.
Thanks Mike, I have been considering trying OnX, but have the same concerns with downloading maps.

I don't plan in detail many times, there is too much stuff I find on my way
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