Ghosts of Nevada


Belay On
Site Team
Jun 30, 2009
Sierra Nevada Range
I know this is a blatant tease but I can't help himself this morning. The Lady & I set off on an adventure over the Memorial Day Weekend holiday. I have started the story on our blog -

Ghosts of Nevada - Memorial Day Weekend 2015

Actually, please forgive me, this helps keep me motivated to complete the story. :)

The story is now completed. Thanks for your patience and we hope you find it a fun adventure.
Truth in advertising:

................................"this is a blatant tease"

Looking forward to the rest of the story.
Great report! "...the delicious scent of wet sage filled our lungs as the sun worked at eroding the cloud cover." Is there anything better?

Thank you for sharing!!!!
Excellent trip report. I would have found it hard to be so close to Benton Hot Springs and not take a soak. Did you all soak in Alkali Hot Springs (if they're even soakable)?
Good report. I enjoy your historical themes as a way to organize a trip (or at least a trip report). :)
Thank you all for your very nice comments, we really appreciate that. :)

Mr. Goovy, we did not soak at Alkali although the water temperature felt good. I don't know for sure, but I figured the discoloration of all the water was due to the recent flash flood. I started a quick look for a drain on the main small soaking tub so see how easy it would be to drain, clean, and refill but got distracted by lunch.
Smokecreek1 said:
................................................. Old Jack is my hero!

Don't have that conversation with Mom Spider! :eek:

Mr. Smoke, as you know we only started out there. We'll need to visit Windy Canyon and his stone cabin and also venture down to Silverbow and find Longstreet's Red Rock Ranch and also his friend Breen's ranch. So many adventures to dream about!
I want to mention a really nice thing that happened to us in Bridgeport on Monday. After parking our rig on Main Street, a young couple with mom holding a little one approached and asked if we were the ski3pin people. They went on to say how much they enjoy our blog and adventures and that they also have a pop-up. It was a real surprise for us and we thanked them. :)
You guys are getting world famous :giggle: ! Any way, while old Jack had his flaws and probably had only one ear, anyone who was still breaking broncs at 90 or so gets an "at ta boy!" from me. I'd be happy if I reach 90,let alone be able to break broncs then :p . Yep still lot's to see out there, but every time I try to return out to that area something comes up. If all goes well, I think I'll try again in a few weeks, when I get back from watching the stars at the "Devils Garden" up on the Modoc Plateau. Again nice TR, really makes me want to make that run again.

I recalled after reading this that a friend gave me the Longstreet biography in a box of Nevada history books, and this inspired me to finally put some things aside and read it. I'm only 1/2 way through, but that was one tough hombre!
Vic said:
I recalled after reading this that a friend gave me the Longstreet biography in a box of Nevada history books, and this inspired me to finally put some things aside and read it. I'm only 1/2 way through, but that was one tough hombre!
Evening reading for me while on the trip was The Monitor Range by Richard Waller, a fictionalized account with historical figures. It was delightful to read since we have traveled through much of the landscape used as a backdrop. I'm currently halfway through a reread of Jack Longstreet - Last of the Desert Frontiersman. This time through I'm intrigued with how much impact the Ghost Dance Movement had on the story and especially the incidents Longstreet was involved with in Sylvania. This is such an interesting story.
Just finished "last of the desert frontiersman" last night. A fascinating read. I don't make it to middle Nevada as much as I'd like, but Sylvania is now on my list of places to check out. A great look into part of what makes Nevada special.

I have not read the Waller book yet but it looks interesting.
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