Go camping under stay at home order?


Senior Member
Jul 17, 2018
Soooooo, the weather is getting nice and I've got the itch to take a trip here in CO. But, we are on stay at home orders until May 8 now (thank you Boulder county). What are other adventurous campers doing?
Not sure of the specifics there in your neck of the woods in CO, but it's my understanding that (here in So AZ at least) a stay-at-home order refers to limiting your travel to 'necessary' trips, not gathering in groups, wearing a mask when in close contact with others, and the usual kinds of precautions that are widely advertised across the country. We've already done several dispersed camping trips in our local BLM lands this Spring, and are planning a few more in FS lands soon. I believe all national forests are technically still open and available for dispersed camping even if developed campgrounds might be closed. The fine print (or lack thereof) within that SAH order for your area might mean that you can head out into the woods after all, ya never know... Enjoy,
Hello there

Soooooo, the weather is getting nice and I've got the itch to take a trip here in CO. But, we are on stay at home orders until May 8 now (thank you Boulder county). What are other adventurous campers doing?

Why can it be that you are asking an online forum of folks how they feel about skirting the issue of the current stay at home orders that are an effort by our governments and medical authorities to combat this universal health threat.....?

Generally. among adults, one makes ones own decision about doing the right thing....or not.

I am not preaching, nor do I care what you do....but I just have trouble with the notion that "its okay if others are doing it...."

I wish we could have a "stay off the internet order" for a few years in order to regain some sort of sense of right, wrong and individual responsibilety.

David Graves
Getting real hard to stay home, pop-up is packed and ready to go, maps in the truck , but I'm 76, got malaria in the Army 50 years ago, and scared to take a chance of getting this stuff, so I use a mask, watch where I go and what I do, because I want to make 77 and make the next get together! But boy it is sure getting hard, cause in 15 minutes I can be in the high desert! So I walk the dog and plan the next trip. We got to be tough thou, that stuff will kill ya, so stay home!

Hard time for all of us and I suspect we all are in the same boat. My wife and I are sitting at home in Tennessee having expected to be leaving for the West May 1st.

We are staying put because this virus haunting all of us has no cure and at present there is more that is not known than is known about it. Once our country gets caught up on testing we will all have the means to make more intelligent decisions. So far nothing any of us have done has made the virus any less deadly and infection rates are still climbing in some parts of the country. Now I know most of us have been following the rules to flatten the curve, but we have also seen the close-contact crowd claiming the virus is a hoax. That means it is not enough that you are virus free and we are virus free unless you can be assured you will not come in contact with the disbelievers who may be carriers.

It will not be much longer until we can all be back doing what we love. That's where I stand.

The kicker is, those who are out there now are enjoying the best of it - fewer people, clearer skies, more visible wildlife - while the rest are marking time at home. Or imagine "home" being a Natl Park town site like Banff or Jasper, living there and being able to enjoy the park with no tourists !!

When orders ease up and all types of parks and public land are open I think those places are gonna be an absolute poop show. Meanwhile, those who had already grabbed the loopholes might be all relaxed and choose to stay at home... <sigh>
Its tough. Only so much looking at maps you can do. Right now our national forests in this area are under winter closure. When the winter closure is lifted but the stay at home orders aren't thats when I'll have a tough choice. I can go camping locally bypassing the local communities, don't buy food or fuel just head up to remote spots where I'll be all by myself. Should I? I'm debating that with myself right now.
I dunno. Even if I could go around here, I'd have to think about the example I am setting for folks that can't know what my thinking was, or how safe/unsafe I was being. I'd have to think about what might happen if I got hurt or stuck and other folks had to put themselves in jeopardy to help me out.

It's not just about me... but also all the others who are in this mess with us.

I keep reminding myself, that we're stronger together.
Before the stay at home order came in I would do my jogging/cycling on the shoulder of our parks perimeter roadway. This allowed me to avoid others by a wide margin, as they routinely stayed on the pedestrian path deeper inside of the road. Then the other parks in the area closed, which only forced more people to this particular facility. That's when I began seeing a few people sharing the shoulder with me. Still, it remained easy enough to avoid them by a safe distance. The following week they closed this park as well. Now others would ride, walk, jog, skate, maybe even Pogo stick into the area just outside the park, an area that normally would have few pedestrians. Unable to avoid breaking the 6 foot distance, I stopped going to that area.

Denial remains a huge, maybe even a very amazingly great human condition. I am confident we will be better prepared for the next pandemic. Or maybe I'm just having a wishful thinking moment.

Stay safe, avoid other humans.

100_2029.JPG The idea that I was once here, seems unreal.

In our area going out for a walk or run is not a crime, as long as you maintain a safe distance. Based on some of the other comments here, maybe in their areas it is.

Home Depot and Lowes are as crowded as they have ever been.
This has been really tough for most of us i suspect. Usually at this time of year i am in the SW/AZ/UT, and it is always one of the highlights of my travel year. This year, nope. Was about to head down anyway, but at the last minute decided to stick to the plan.
One of my long time travel partners has continued on as normal travel wise. He justifies his choices by saying that for part of the year his van is his home.
I think it comes down to an individuals choice, i just hope the decisions of others don't hurt people who are trying to do what many believe to be the right thing.
We have been packed for a month now, waiting on this trip to get green lit, window is closing, work is waiting? Scotland was supposedly august, now it's off. Baja in Dec? Maybe copper canyon?

Here's a glimpse this morning from our rural community that borders the most heavily used (recreation) National Forest in Northern California. There was a big line of jacked up rigs in Safeway parking lot - the usual "line 'em up" spot for out of towners. No face masks, in and out of the store, no physical distancing. They escaped before the locals could put together a bombing run.

Their activity is disregarding the consistent message -


We have a particularly vicious checker who flat tells them to get the hell out and go home, "Stay at home, get it?" She's becoming a bit of a folk hero.

We're all in this together. Let's pull together, stay home, and get this all over with sooner than later. I'm following the protocols to help others.
The longer this goes on the harder it is to justify universal lockdown. We have enough data to know who the at risk demographics are: if you are over 65 with other health issues - be very careful. If you are under 45, your risks are about the same as for normal flu.

Quarantine comes from the Italian words for 40 days; which is about how long people will tolerate being cooped up. It doesn't matter what health officials want or the governor wants, people won't go along.
Smart public health officials will adjust their plans accordingly. Stupid ones will call them stupid and try to force compliance.

Central park, NYC, 4/25/2020 (yesterday)

central park.jpg
ski3pin said:
Here's a glimpse this morning from our rural community that borders the most heavily used (recreation) National Forest in Northern California. There was a big line of jacked up rigs in Safeway parking lot - the usual "line 'em up" spot for out of towners. No face masks, in and out of the store, no physical distancing. They escaped before the locals could put together a bombing run.

Their activity is disregarding the consistent message -


We have a particularly vicious checker who flat tells them to get the hell out and go home, "Stay at home, get it?" She's becoming a bit of a folk hero.

We're all in this together. Let's pull together, stay home, and get this all over with sooner than later. I'm following the protocols to help others.
Thanks Ski for your continued info and advice.
I know it's a lot easier for a lot of us to stay in place,but if it's needed that's what we need to do.

My daughter in Barcelona,Spain has been inside going on their 8th week.They do get out to the stores and other vital
shops.Today children are going out under adult supervision.
It's working for the heaviest hit areas.Things should ease up soon.
Living in western Colorado we have an abundance of sparsely visited public lands nearby. As tempting as it maybe to pack up go dispersed camping, we are staying home.
ski3pin said:
Let's pull together, stay home, and get this all over with sooner than later.

How will it get all over, that's something I can't get my head around.

If we're talking this virus, is it vaccination or post infection immunity - that could take years. Or containment thru the strict adherence to precautions (what contained SARS in the 2003 Toronto outbreaks) - well, we're a long way from that in my country.

The notion in March that if we all stay home for 2 or 3 weeks we could then go back to normal hasn't panned out. So now how will we get past it ?

If we're talking travel restrictions and recreation closures, I think that is coming fairly soon in my country. Here in BC the 3rd Monday in May is a long weekend, considered the start of Summer. It's going to be hard to stop people from heading out. There is already slippage and pent up desire. I think the parks here may be open then, and well attended. I can imagine a consequence being more infections.

Reinstating orders and closures after a spike could be tough to do but may be deemed necessary.
I see this sickness affecting us for a long time. Normal will have changed, not sure how we will handle it personally.

As to the OP, I'm not planning trips. I pulled the truck insurance mid March. Maybe look to the Fall but quite possibly nothing this year. But some hiking and other outdoor stuff ? I do hope so.
My job has been deemed essential so I've been commuting to work as WFH is not possible. I'm seeing more and more traffic each day. It is getting to the point where the authorities at the very top (given his tweets on the topic I don't expect the bloody idiot to be worth anything) are going to have to declare martial law and suspend the Constitution if they want this continue. I do not think that KA's county health admins have the power to suspend the Constitution. There is no check and balance in place if they did. So their orders might temporarily have law enforcement behind them because there is code that says that they can do this, but to the best of my knowledge it has never been tested for Constitutionality. A test that it should fail. If it does not, we're in trouble.

That said so far I've been complying as best as I can and it's making me crazy. I can't imagine staying home & going nowhere except for the market for this long.
JaSAn said:
We have enough data to know who the at risk demographics are: if you are over 65 with other health issues - be very careful. If you are under 45, your risks are about the same as for normal flu.
It seems like there's still new data emerging. For example, I don't know if there are good statistics yet for mortality rates from clotting caused by covid, which has been causing deaths by stroke, heart attacks, and pulmonary embolisms, even in otherwise healthy middle aged people.
ski3pin said:
Here's a glimpse this morning from our rural community that borders the most heavily used (recreation) National Forest in Northern California. There was a big line of jacked up rigs in Safeway parking lot - the usual "line 'em up" spot for out of towners. No face masks, in and out of the store, no physical distancing. They escaped before the locals could put together a bombing run.

Their activity is disregarding the consistent message -


We have a particularly vicious checker who flat tells them to get the hell out and go home, "Stay at home, get it?" She's becoming a bit of a folk hero.

We're all in this together. Let's pull together, stay home, and get this all over with sooner than later. I'm following the protocols to help others.
This checker is my new hero. Brava!


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