Good Morning Tucson


Post Master
Apr 27, 2006
The Old Pueblo
Around 5:30 AM yesterday. My backyard up towards Pusch Ridge.


Some times a single spark can ignite the entire world. Genius with all of its demons always passes too quickly.

I was mtn biking the Rincon foothills at the time and caught a similar quality view. This year's monsoon dawn and dusk scenes have been some of the best ever.

Best Monsoon Season since we move here in'07. I'm lovin' it. Pam gets a little nervous when I view from in the pool with a little tequila.

AZ monsoons are spectacular. The lightning storms are the most impressive natural phenomena that I have ever seen.
chnlisle said:
...Best Monsoon Season since we move here in'07. I'm lovin' it. Pam gets a little nervous when I view from in the pool with a little tequila.
We don't have the kind of exciting summer storms in central Oregon that are found to the south/east, not as many anyway... Not enough heat to drive the convection and/or not enough humidity to form into a storm.

But this summer we've had quite a bit more than average thunderstorms in the Bend area, including a couple that produced quarter-size hail -- which is very unusual for this area.
MarkBC said:
We don't have the kind of exciting summer storms in central Oregon that are found to the south/east, not as many anyway... Not enough heat to drive the convection and/or not enough humidity to form into a storm.

But this summer we've had quite a bit more than average thunderstorms in the Bend area, including a couple that produced quarter-size hail -- which is very unusual for this area.
I recall some monsoons up there during the summers of the late 70's. They great except that most were caught with they hay down and that sucked.
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