GPS software question

Here is an example from the Garmin Topo maps. Hiking trails are indicated in dark gray dotted lines. It can be expensive but it depends on what you are trying to accomplish like Leadsled states.


How did you get your screenprint into a .jpeg format?
Wow, Thanks for the info guys especially all the tips and tricks Leadsled. Lots of good info there.

It really sounds like that SW US package would suit me perfectly and then put Baja on another card. I don't really see myself planning routes or using it for city navigation (I have an iPhone for that). I plan to mostly use it to mark waypoints for turns to certain places, more for situational awareness than anything else. And also for hiking, especially in DV when wandering up canyons with many forks where trails aren't always existent. But who knows, the more I become adept I'm sure i'll find many more uses. I also dig the ability to print maps to where you are going, i can see lots of savings there. Again, forgive my ignorance on the subject.
Alt Print Screen and then paste into Microsoft Paint and save as JPEG file.


How did you get your screenprint into a .jpeg format?
How did you get your screenprint into a .jpeg format?

FYI: A most-excellent free image editor (and viewer) is Irfanview.
I own and use Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop for complicated stuff, but for simple stuff -- format conversion (including batch-conversion/renaming), cropping, resizing-for-web/email, lite editing -- nothing beats Irfanview.

(It is total freeware, but donations to this generous German guy are accepted, and I've done so since I've used it so much for many years.)
as posted before....
free usgs topos here

Wow -- I wasn't aware of this somehow...

I have the NatGeo TOPO state series' for all the western states, so I don't actually need this now...but for anyone who hasn't already spent $80-$100/state, this looks great for computer-viewing and printing.

How did you get your screenprint into a .jpeg format?

I use screen capture software all the time.

My favorite is ScreenHunter, they have a FREE version.


ScreenHunter automatically makes JPG images at the same image resolution as your monitor resolution.

The technique I use the most is the ability to select a rectangular image from the entire screen, so, I just get the part I want.

If I can get it on my screen, I can capture it and I can also print it.

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This is only my second message on WTW, so let's see if I can figure out how to post a JPG image here.

Here's a couple of screen captures of a path in GoogleEarth that I used to promote a Honda Trail bike (CT90's & CT110's) ride up to the top of Harquahala peak in Arizona. These kind of screen captures can help possible participants get a feel for the route of the ride.

Almost looking straight down. The Lat & Lon are for the Monterey mine, a little off the ride route.


A more oblique view, to get the feel of the terrain.


Our meeting place.


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BTW, this is great thread on GPS software... the detailed info really helps me... THANKS.

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Hum, seems my method of posting images is a little different.
Note to Admin: If this is not acceptable, just let me know.
Those using Windows 7 may have found its built-in "Snipping Tool" very handy for screen captures, too.
It permits selection of rectangular areas as well as free-form selections.
Wow -- I wasn't aware of this somehow...

I have the NatGeo TOPO state series' for all the western states, so I don't actually need this now...but for anyone who hasn't already spent $80-$100/state, this looks great for computer-viewing and printing.

The Nat Geo Topo application is still very handy to have while roaming.....since you may not have an internet (probably won't) connection when you are in the boonies. It always seems I need a map I didn't plan on needing.

Also, it's great to integrate the gps unit with the show waypoints etc.
Those using Windows 7 may have found its built-in "Snipping Tool" very handy for screen captures, too.
It permits selection of rectangular areas as well as free-form selections.

Thanks. I have Windows 7 and did not know about the snipping tool.
Another HUGE plus for hunters using the National Geographic Topo software is the Game Management Units (GMU's) downloads available. These provide the Game Management boundries in red outline on the maps which are maintained even when you drill down to the lowest level (24K).

The GMU downloads can be found here:

Here is an example of an Arizona map showing the game management units outlined in red....

These can be real handy if you are hunting near a Game Management Unit border and want to make sure you don't cross over into the wrong unit.
Rant on. Decided to install the garmin 24k us map. Hit install and it took off. No option to change drives or directories. If I'd known it would take two hours and make my system slow to a crawl I would have waited.

No tutorial. Help system is awful. I still can't figure out how to select part of a map.

Still can't find a list of all the symbols.

On the plus side the detail is what I wanted. But I only found that after I went into options and move the slider over to max detail. Wasn't mentioned anywhere. The online demo made me think it wouldnt do this.

Way bad, at least two areas I looked at it does not show the locked gates. Critical failure.

So far I give garmin a d-.
Rant on. Decided to install the garmin 24k us map. Hit install and it took off. No option to change drives or directories. If I'd known it would take two hours and make my system slow to a crawl I would have waited.

No tutorial. Help system is awful. I still can't figure out how to select part of a map.

Still can't find a list of all the symbols.

On the plus side the detail is what I wanted. But I only found that after I went into options and move the slider over to max detail. Wasn't mentioned anywhere. The online demo made me think it wouldnt do this.

Way bad, at least two areas I looked at it does not show the locked gates. Critical failure.

So far I give garmin a d-.

I only use this to create base maps for my gps units. I'll give you an example of how to select all the quadrangles in the state of Arizona.

Open software and make sure you select "topo 24k southwest" in pull down menu.

Change view to "50 Miles" in the pull-down menu under utilities. Center on Arizona.

Should look like this:

Then click the map tool (shown in next post....too big for this one).....then the little squares appear for quadrangles. Click the top left one and drag to bottom corner of state to highlight entire state.

Hope this helps.
Here is example with most of the state selected. Note the little squares for the quadrangles.

That was one pass. Now just click and drag to get the ones missing and you'll have the whole state.

whole state selected.JPG
Rant on. Decided to install the garmin 24k us map. Hit install and it took off. No option to change drives or directories. If I'd known it would take two hours and make my system slow to a crawl I would have waited.

No tutorial. Help system is awful. I still can't figure out how to select part of a map.

Still can't find a list of all the symbols.

On the plus side the detail is what I wanted. But I only found that after I went into options and move the slider over to max detail. Wasn't mentioned anywhere. The online demo made me think it wouldnt do this.

Way bad, at least two areas I looked at it does not show the locked gates. Critical failure.

So far I give garmin a d-.

So Craig, you are back to a semi-thumbs up at least for detail?
Here is example with most of the state selected. Note the little squares for the quadrangles.

That was one pass. Now just click and drag to get the ones missing and you'll have the whole state.

View attachment 11282

Looking at these maps they don't seem all that detailed, can they be zoomed in for more detail of trails and roads?
I think its 0.3 mi. Which is plenty of enough detail if its accurate. Still no idea why I can't select anything.
I think its 0.3 mi. Which is plenty of enough detail if its accurate. Still no idea why I can't select anything.

Instructions in my post above...

I have to leave for a bit...when I return I'll post some examples SunMan.... both of the software packages go down to 24K....but they look different. Like I posted....I only use the Mapsouce product to put base maps in my gps untis....I use Nat Geo Topo for printing maps and interfacing with my gps (waypoints/routes). The Mapsource product interfaces with the gps too....I just don't like the way it looks.

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