Great News For Travelers


Post Master
Apr 27, 2006
The Old Pueblo
National Public Radio's All Things Considered announced that the post office had begun a new 'portable zip codes' program. Inspired by an FCC ruling that allowed phone users to take their phone number with them when they moved, would allow people to also take their zip code with them when they moved, no matter where they moved to. It was hoped that with this new program zip codes would come to symbolize "a citizen's place in the demographic, rather than geographic, landscape." Assistant Postmaster General Lester Crandall was quoted as saying, "Every year millions of Americans are on the go: People who must relocate for work or other reasons. Those people may have been quite attached to their original homes or an adopted town or city of residence. For them this innovative measure will serve as an umbilical cord to the place they love best."
How does this make any sense? The zipcode is so they know where to route mail.

If you have a CA zip code but are in New York I'd think you're asking for lost/delayed packages.
I need a pencil to figure this all out.

he he he
Every year I try to catch NPR's news on this day.Ok, I try to catch it everyday, but especially today. Unfortunately I missed today's. Thanks for sharing, Jay. Sounds like a classic. :LOL:
Always check the date. So far I haven't been taken in, but probably just haven't tried hard enough.
Same article said they were considering Sunday delivery also...

Ha. I heard they were considering getting rid of Saturday mail to lower expenses!

The ZIP routing would be easy- all it takes is a database, the address would be checked against the record and sent to the right place- EXCEPT that ZIPs are NOT unique identifiers. In other words, if you are in NY, but live in CA with a CA ZIP and they scan the CA ZIP, how are they not forwarding EVERYONE's mail to NY? We'd all need a specific, unique identifier. You know, like a SS# that also tells the gov where you are at all times. Gee, this seems like a great idea doesn't it? :rolleyes:

(I suppose they could use 2-factor identifiers instead, like name AND zip, but then hey- what's the point? Just change the address.)
And I quote;

"How does this make any sense? The zipcode is so they know where to route mail.

If you have a CA zip code but are in New York I'd think you're asking for lost/delayed packages. "

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