Hard side TC vs pop-up

rotti said:
The biggest advantage of my FWC and truck combo is that they fit in my garage.

No off site storage hassles/fees, no loading and unloading, no HOA issues, weather proof (my camper would look like the exterior of a golf ball by now in hail country) and I'm free to head for hills at the drop of a hat.

Our truck and All Terrain Camper also fit in our garage. In snow country here, that makes a big difference. It is also easy to get ready for a trip as the garage is well lit. We are loading up with the top down.

Squatch said:
Compared to out west. Here in the east trails and FS roads are often tight and overgrown. I have had to duck my truck under more than one semi fallen tree across a FS road. I hardside will limit you in many places east of the Mississippi.
The roads we travel here west of the Mississippi can also be tight and overgrown or a very narrow shelf road. We would not go with a larger camper then we have now.
As many have already said, the biggest negative for a popup is sound transmission and less storage.

I bought my popup for winter camping in ski area parking lots. Even though i don't go off road the lower centre of gravity means better handling with less sway on mountain switchback access roads and better handling on the highway bucking headwinds or dealing with cross winds especially on bridges.
Hi DanoT,
Camping BC ski area parking lots in a popup! My hat is off to you! My limited camping nights in ski area parking lots has been less than an enjoyable, large RV's running generators all night, the noise is one thing but the fumes for me are the worst. What's the lowest temperature you have experienced for the night? Here in California winter camping at Mount Shasta and Mount Lassen is fairly mild with the night time lows usually not much less than 15 degrees Fahrenheit. What additional winter option features does your Phoenix have ? The All Terrain Bobcat popup that I am considering has an optional "cold Pack" that is essentially an added liner installed over the existing vinyl sides, I don't think it has any other cold weather options. I hope to find someone in the Northern Ca. or Southern Oregon area that is willing to rent me their mid size popup, one that will fit my 2015 Tacoma 6 foot bed. I need to find out if I'm tough enough for a popup camper. Any and all comments from all Wanderthewest is appreciated!
:) Solinski
PS. my last ski day this season was on Mount Lassen June 28, 2016
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