Health scare and trip planning


Senior Member
Nov 23, 2007
Nothing to do with CC this time. Rather, trip planning and concerns and restrictions around the virus that dominates the current news.

Fuel prices are getting cheaper, yay ! Meanwhile some events are being cancelled or postponed, some sites closed, and we're being told to practice social distancing - you might not want to mix with others, which is often part of the fun of travel.

Will people switch plans from air travel to camping and the CGs be packed? or will folks be staying at home, counting their remaining toilet paper squares.

For us, I'd love to take advantage of the cheaper gas and go on a x country road trip but work unknowns mean we can't make solid plans right now.

Yes, it's still early days with this virus - for those not affected, but spring and summer are coming and some folks have to plan ahead.

Anyone changing or putting plans on hold ? If you are waiting to see, how long will you wait and what will you be watching for ?

Edited for spacing
We are on hold, but only because of truck issues. I would say to practice all the hand washing and social distance sort of precautions.

Many schools are closed for approx 3 weeks, so CGs might be full of families getting away. Who knows what future precautions and restrictions will be in place, but we plan to travel as soon as I am confident with our truck.
I have always avoided people so no changes there for me. My only concern would be crossing US Canadian Boarder and getting stuck on the other side.
Some jurisdictions here are closing spring break plus 2 weeks, so 4 weeks. That seems to be the wait and see period.

K, for sure I'd want to be in my home country. The fed gov here is now recommending all Canuck travellers come home now while they still can. Closures and bans are a possibility. One thing to think about is, if you get sick in a foreign country could you get bumped for treatment because citizens get first priority.
Have a trip to San Antonio TX to visit the daughter on hold. She is over educated, BS cellular biology Sonoma State, MS pharmacology University of the Pacific and Ph.D. microbiology from the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine. She told us a month ago to get ready. Spooky that want she told us is coming true.

[SIZE=13.3333px]She is worried we could become sick on the way and there may not a medical care available. Also she was worried when we are there she or her husband could bring something home from work and we could get sick. That is now not a problem as they are working from home. She thinks this will get much worse. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.3333px]Stay safe.[/SIZE]
We had a Easter trip to northern Spain planed but it has been changed to the fall.
Our daughter who lives in Barcelona just wrote and said they are on a lock down.
She works from home so no worries.

Stay safe out there.We will get through this.
Hi Klahanie

Everything is rightfully upside down just now but I personally have a hankering to head up Island (Vancouver) sometime later in the you know of any Canadian governmental sites to watch regarding travel alerts?

Maybe we will transplant for good....been pondering that anyway........ : /

Six months here....six months there....etc.

David Graves
Work is still going 24/7 so I won't be going soon. Other than talking a good game they haven't actually done anything. One sick person and we'll all get it.
We’ve been working on the MoHo for a summer trip to Glacier>Calgary>Whistler but we’re concerned it may come to Plan B if covid-19 is still an issue. My wife is a teacher and her school is closed until further notice. We decided last night to take a quick trip to Mammoth but...most resorts now closed. And just as the snow was beginning to arrive! ‍

Be safe out there my friends.
We have tickets for Sri Lanka next month, haven’t made the call to abort just yet, but definitely concerned. As for land based travel, can’t think of a safer place to be but in the boonies with no people.
Howdy Sunman

I share your sentiments about the boonies but then again we all want our health care providers to show up for work.

It is a confusing time and hard to know whats the right thing to do.

Social distancing seems very important in the short term and then after that we will see.

I guess even in the city it is important to keep a safe six feet or so from other folks....but we are still humans and need the I can suggest is that we all pull together but with six foot spacing on the line.

David Graves
I have experienced the 6' rule at the store, and people avoiding closeness to others where possible. It's quite a change in city life.

One concern about travel to remote areas is unwittingly spreading the virus to an area where there may be very modest health services and where the residents may not have easy resources for transport. I've read a typical scenario is an infected person has no signs of the illness for 7 days.

If the curve gets flattened - which is the intent and hope - presumably the period of time to be cautious will be extended making trip planing more difficult.

In the mean time, I agree, time for some projects around home. :cool:
We were scheduled to present a presentation talk (with images) for out local Sierra Club on Thursday. Three hours before meeting time we received a phone call letting us know that national all meetings were to be canceled.

Friday Guatemala has extended closure airline travel from Canada and the USA. Our planned trip there has been cancelled. Luckily the trip company has re booked for all of us for next year.

So we are thinking using that time for a road trip to the southwest. Hum......

We all are in territory that we have not experienced before.
National office canceled all Trout Unlimited meeting and events. Heavy snow here is providing ample social distancing this morning.

Since all schools are closed, I have a bit of concern about how busy some backcountry areas may be if the weather is nice.
Even road travel between countries is dicey at this point. Out of country travel insurance won't cover you for travel to countries where the govt as issued a travel advisory, and right now, in Canada, that includes the USA. I am 4 weeks away from our planned trip to Utah, and hoping things calm down in a few weeks!
Also be aware that travel insurance also does not cover “epidemics”, unless you have “cancel for any reason” insurance.
And you need to read the fine print for other things they won't cover.
We always get trip insurance for all our foreign travel trips.
I have been told by several people that AAA has some member benefits.
Also the credit card used to purchase your trip may have some benefits also.
Well, up here we're basically being told to stay at home, so that pretty much nixes travel for the a couple few weeks at least. I haven't heard anything specific to domestic car travel but I think the overriding message is to "stay away".

Now we wait and see how much infection comes back with returning travellers.

Stay safe everyone and look out for your community !
As long as we still have the "net", using this site as one of the many possible travel aids is a must. Even tho most of us travel prepared for the worst heading out to the boonies thru here is probably not a good idea I was going out to the Sheldon WLR and I am glad I waited because Ma Winter has hit! The NE Cal/NW Nevada area is a major thru area for folks heading to and from Reno and points north,east, west and south and into the boonies. So I heard that "Truckie" just had its first case of "C" today; nothing here yet, but we have less people. Us old folks have been told to stay home.

For those still on the move Susanville weather is not to good and having snow fall in the feet not inches ;most of the passes over the Sierras and Cascades are very problematic as are the roads .All schools up here will close on Wednesday until at least April but most services are still available here but on 395 to Reno ya need 4WD/snow tires. Snow until Thursday then on and off for the next several days. Eagle Lake and Alturas are on the northern edge of this storm. Enough weather and medical reports for now! Happy adventures all!


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