Hey Dawg

Do we no longer have a "first Unread"?

Well I am pretty sure we do but can you be more specific as to where you are looking for that feature?
Well I am pretty sure we do but can you be more specific as to where you are looking for that feature?

Jay, I asked the same question yesterday... Upper left hand corner - "View New Content" with the little RSS logo next to it. Works fine, just different.

I just thought of something - so I launched IE and tried the site... Site works great in Firefox, but the "View new Content" button doesn't seem to work very well in my IE browser. Well, it doesn't seem to do anything, so I guess that is "not very well".
Jay, I asked the same question yesterday... Upper left hand corner - "View New Content" with the little RSS logo next to it. Works fine, just different.

I just thought of something - so I launched IE and tried the site... Site works great in Firefox, but the "View new Content" button doesn't seem to work very well in my IE browser. Well, it doesn't seem to do anything, so I guess that is "not very well".

Ron I'm running FirFox as well and no where on my screen is an RSS logo or View New Content. The only RSS logo is in the http address box. I'm sure all this will be ironed out but it is very cumbersome at the moment.
I'm going to scream. This just isn't working for me. I really love this site as you can see by the number of my post. But at the moment it is just either too different or too cumbersome for my elderly brain to deal with. I admittedly resist change but it appears to be wholesale change and entirely different. I know DD will make it much more user friendly and I look forward to that happening. So for now I think I'll take a 2 week vacation. Good luck DD.
Ron I'm running FirFox as well and no where on my screen is an RSS logo or View New Content. The only RSS logo is in the http address box. I'm sure all this will be ironed out but it is very cumbersome at the moment.

Yeah, yeah. The View New Content Button is -- as you say -- on the other left (AKA right). Workin fine here on this FF install.
Yeah Yeah - I don't know what I was thinking with "left"... I guess I meant the military left, or the metric left.

Not sure why Jay's isn't working though... Anybody have "GoToMeeting" account access?
I'll be looking into IE issues next week. I'm at a hotel this week and only have my Mac with me.
I just thought of something - so I launched IE and tried the site... Site works great in Firefox, but the "View new Content" button doesn't seem to work very well in my IE browser. Well, it doesn't seem to do anything, so I guess that is "not very well".

I checked it in IE and it works fine. If you meant that there were no results, thats because you weren't logged in in IE and the new content feature shows all content since your last visit. It doesn't know when your last visit was if you aren't logged in so no results show. Really the view new content link should only show for logged in users. I'll probably remove that for non-logged in users at some point.

Maybe I'm losing my mind, but I can't find the classifieds anywhere.

The classifieds will be returning soon in a new format.
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