Holy Effing ****


Riley's Human
Jan 12, 2007
I arrive home tonight about 9pm. My brother runs out tells me we've been robbed and they held a gun to his head. Before I can even go in the house the cops are there, lots of them, helicopter and all. They broke in through my bedroom window, ransacked my room, stole my xd40 which wasn't in the safe yet because I hadn't gotten around to cleaning it. Maybe stole some ammo too. Stole my brothers .22 auto and a credit card. My dog wasn't home, the two that were probably slept through it. Near as I can tell thats all they got. My laptop and flashlight were dropped in the yard. Oh, they used my bowling ball bag for the loot. Left my bowling ball.

They were wearing gloves so all the cops got was one good shoe print.

Kinda freaked out right now. Dont' want to call anyone and ruin their sleep. I think its time to move.
Yikes! Glad your brother is ok, and they didn't get to much. I won't live in the town I grew up in. Too much crime. Thats why I moved to Simi Valley. My thougths are with you.

Glad you/yer brother are safe....that's all that really matters.

Bummer about the guns....not just for you...but for everyone else as they are now on the street.

My family was robbed when I was a kid (13). My Dad/Granddad had just given me a shotgun they cleaned out the entire house...prolly 15 guns en total.

None of the guns were replaced...and I haven't owned a weapon since.

We had someone come in the house when we were sleeping.
Then they walked into the DOG. The chase was on.
Who ever does this sort of thing is the lowest form of life.
I am glad you and your brother are OK.
Material things can always be replaced, but life is short and cannot be replaced!


Having suffered losses to theft, I understand the frustration and second guessing about if things would be different if you had done this or that. But I have never been present at the time of the theft. What happened to your brother is very scary. As others have said, what is important is that everyone is safe.

I think its time to move.

I think you're right. You never know when they or their cohorts will return for the rest of the booty.

At least no one was hurt. I've moved a couple of times when neighborhoods degraded to a point where it affected my peace of mind. An in-home armed robbery would have me planning a home sale in the not too distant future. Unless you are lucky enough to be a renter, then give notice and vamoose.
I own unfortunately. Just finished putting bars on my bedroom window. I'll get the rest of the house later. Won't help my resale value.

I know what you're going through. I got broken into 3 times when I was living in Santa Clara. It was a good neighborhood but we had a scumbag family next door and I was sure it was their kids. The cops wouldn't even talk to them unless we caught them in the act. After all they're just kids. The last breakin they got my Colt army SA and 2 other hand guns. Soon after that the resumes went out and the 4sale sign went up. Best move I ever made.

Good Luck - Dick
Bummer man. I'd hate to be in the situation where I felt bars were needed over my windows. Low life scum piss me off. Really freaky these guys were bold enough to do it when someone was home.

Too bad these guys didn't come through the window to the business end of a 12ga, I don't think the world would have missed them.

New posts - WTW

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