How do you organize your under the sink area and cubbies?


Lady Bug
Aug 16, 2015
Carbondale, IL
I have a Fleet and use that cabinet for food storage. But it's all a jumble.

What do you use that space for and how do you organize it?


also, how do you organize your smaller cubbies?


I store my pots and pans under the sink and canned food under the dinette seat. I also have a plastic container that fits on top of stove when I travel that I use for bread and chips, etc. the cubbies hold misc stuff like bandaids and headlamps, etc.


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Here's what I do. It may not be the coolest looking system, but it sure is practical and I can hold a lot more gear in these bins than I could in little drawers and such.

Stalking Light said:
I store my pots and pans under the sink and canned food under the dinette seat. I also have a plastic container that fits on top of stove when I travel that I use for bread and chips, etc. the cubbies hold misc stuff like bandaids and headlamps, etc.

Hi Charlie!

Hm. Right now I have my kitchen stuff in portable plastic drawers that I set on top of the fridge area, but maybe I'll try switching them up and put food in those and cookware under the sink.
I have a Ranger II (Old style Eagle) and just change out the cubbies for drawers. That part is much nicer. I still have basically the same under sink storage as you. No matter how I try to organize it with partitions, etc., it is still a jumble whenever I get to where I am going! I put the larger items in front knowing that I will have to pull them out looking for the smaller stuff. I've learned to live with it.

I installed drawers on full-extension slides for many of my cabinet areas. I even did this with a 150# rated 26" slide at the end of one of my dinette seats. Makes a world of difference in terms of access.
I love how creative everyone is!

Durango - I was thinking of slides, but I'm not handy in that way.
If I wasn't leaving in just a few days now (!!!), I have a woodworker friend I could have talked with. But alas, I didn't plan well. Ha!
I can fix a motorcycle, but making something out of nothing isn't my forte. :)
hoyden said:
I have a Fleet and use that cabinet for food storage. But it's all a jumble.

What do you use that space for and how do you organize it?


also, how do you organize your smaller cubbies?


I found plastic fridge bins at Bed Bath and Beyod that fit perfectly in that space. I have 4 of them lined up storing canned food and, coffee and the like. Works great because I can pull them out to dig through them.
cdbrow1 said:
I found plastic fridge bins at Bed Bath and Beyod that fit perfectly in that space. I have 4 of them lined up storing canned food and, coffee and the like. Works great because I can pull them out to dig through them.
Which bins? Do you have a link? Thanks!
Hoyden. I use a "home" kitchen roll out basket for the cooking stuff. Fits great under the sink and has room left for some smaller storage. You can get them at Lowes/Home Depot.
I think about under $20. I got the idea from when I did some remodeling of our kitchen.
I have a 09 ATC Bobcat.


Advmoto18 said:
I got this idea from a Jonathan Hanson (Overland Expo) article. These work great. Isolates items that tend to rattle and make noisy going down the street. To further isolate rattle prone items in the bins, I cut a thin WalMart yoga mat into pieces and put between items.
I have a couple of those in my truck, but not sure they'll fit under the sink. I'll measure.

Casa Escarlata Robles Too - my under the sink area has more of a lip than yours, I think, but I really like that roll out!
hoyden said:
I have a couple of those in my truck, but not sure they'll fit under the sink. I'll measure.

Casa Escarlata Robles Too - my under the sink area has more of a lip than yours, I think, but I really like that roll out!
I have the front dinette in my Hawk. As such, no under sink storage for me. That is where the pump, plumbing and water heater is located. The 11"x11"x11" fit perfectly in all my other cabinets.

These have worked really well for us. I have eight of them.

Good luck!
I have a home built Grandby with the bed down. I store most stuff in plastic bins that fit into cabinets:

Cooking bin.jpg

Cooking bin: Pots, pans, plates.

Coffee bin.jpg

Drink bin: Stove & fuel canister, coffee fixings. This, along with cooking bin is stored in cabinet under left side counter.

Clothes bin.jpg

Clothes. I have 3 of these. They fit under the bed. Underwear, socks, t-shirts, rain gear, cold weather gear is stored under the right side seat for easy access.

Daily bin.jpg

Daily personal bin: teeth cleaning, shaving, comb and hair brush. I have 5 more of these for: shower stuff, dog stuff, misc stuff, small camper stuff. Stored in cabinet under refrigerator.

Canned goods, boxed food and other non-refrigerated food is stored wherever they fit in cupboards.
Silverware and utensils are in a drawer.
Big stuff, like Mr. Buddy, axe, shovel, my small grill, etc. are stored in compartments under the bed.
Simon has his own compartment near the door for food bowl, water bowl, tether, etc.

Sorry my pictures aren't in situ. The camper is in the shop for repairs.

JaSAn - I've got my clothes in bins too. I might look into some more. I tried some bins under the sink, but found I didn't like having to take them out each time to find food. Maybe the trick is to put the cooking stuff underneath. hm.
Advmoto18 said:
I got this idea from a Jonathan Hanson (Overland Expo) article. These work great. Isolates items that tend to rattle and make noisy going down the street. To further isolate rattle prone items in the bins, I cut a thin WalMart yoga mat into pieces and put between items.
We use similar cubes in one cabinet. We fill them with food supplies, crackers, chips, cans, jars, seasonings, etc, store our plastic plates and paper plates and some of our games in the rear cabinet under the stove on our front dinette Grandby. They work great. We got ours at Five Below. jd
I found the key to good organization for me is...

1- only bring what is necessary, not everything you "might" need.
Usually I can improvise and have fun doing so, if I don't have something.

2- buy items that specifically fit your camper and keep them in the camper

I think I could survive with
everything else is nice, but unnecessary

What I do carry is:
cupboard 1
1 stainless steel pot
2 same sized frying pans (sized to fit the camper)
1 stainless steel coffee pot
2 stainless steel mugs
4 small plates
4 stainless steel bowls

drawer 1
4 forks
4 knives
4 spoons

small cupboard
aluminum foil
small dish soap
paper towel

big cupboard
canned food
dry goods

flat storage drawer above water tank
cast iron frying pan
chefs knife

spare drawer (junk)
lighters, candles, flashlight, phone charger, bluetooth speaker

spare drawer
bug spray

Call me OCD, but I have the exact same things in the exact same place every time.
The first few trips we found we brought too much stuff. After almost 2 year of use, we are extremely comfortable and have everything we need and nothing more. It makes for quick get aways and quick clean ups when it comes time to lower the roof.

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