"How-to's" of Blogging

If anyone is looking into a NAS (network attached storage) This guy has good reviews of Synology. Don't be put off by any the many acronyms (all easily looked up). He has basic videos on set up as well. Not plug and play so if you are not afraid to learn something new it can be enjoyable (and at times frustrating) but the outcome is rewarding.
Rob, to put this out to someone who can get consumed by projects, someone so easily hooked, is almost evil. :)

Humor aside, I appreciate you opening up these other avenues, education, solutions, and choices.
It is a good cold winter's day project. I am also the type to hate paying someone else for something I can do and the security of keeping it off the cloud and free is like solar panels...the investment pays off and one is independent of the 'tangled web' out there. I also use a VPN (virtual private network) connection to access my server when away, point to point access. I'm happy with a smaller NAS but the reviewer is right the 424+ (or bigger) 4 bay is the best long term investment solution for young whippersnappers. The small one will see me out!

On the blog stuff ...I am now trying to import the three consolidated blogs into Wordpress. My roadblock at this time is not Wordpress it's I am trying to do two new things at once... I am running Wordpress off my server. There is program called "Docker" (free) that houses all sorts of programs on the NAS. So in a sense Wordpress becomes an "APP" in the NAS. Another way to not have material 'out there'.

All this will wait until I'm snowed in
My son-in-law, computer expert, was recommending a NAS. However, that means keeping a machine on all the time. It just bugs me to have electrons burning. In fact, if I'm not going to use my computer for at least half a day, I don't even like turning it on. Makes me go outside. But a NAS probably works great for other folks.
I too hate wasting electrons … I unplug everything that has a light, clock, or hum… even the instant on TV is switched off. So for our NAS I have it set up to power off at 11 PM and back on at 5AM, so I safe 25% ! But one can have it only on any amount required.
Yes.... Well at least in the States most folks are sleeping when the blog is... I suppose it is also easy enough to leave it on when traveling and trip reporting.

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