How/Where is the water pump mounted?


The Weatherman
Site Team
May 24, 2010
Bend, Oregon
This may sound like a silly question...probably because it is a silly question, but so be it. :p

The water pump in my 2005 Hawk stopped pumping a long time ago -- at least 3 years ago, I think -- and I removed it to troubleshoot it or replace it, neither of which I did (so I haven't used water from the camper faucet in years). But now I have a replacement pump.

My question/problem: I see and remember, more-or-less, where the pump was mounted -- there's still a big opening in the cabinet-panels where I removed it, at the front of the camper, just portside of the water tank, under the cabinets.
But I don't remember and can't figure out exactly where/how it was mounted.
I don't see any screw holes from the old pump's mounting! :oops:

Maybe the pump was screwed down on some intermediate panel (now removed?) and so that's why I see no residual screw holes? :oops:

Can anyone -- maybe someone who has worked on or at least looked at their pump -- clue me in on how it's mounted in their similar rig? Maybe there are photos here on WTW showing this -- which I haven't yet found...?

Now, I can see how I could mount it, there's room...but in the place I'm looking I don't see how the semi-rigid plastic inlet tubing from the tank (which I never removed) could possibly fit to that likely pump mount spot. I'm replacing the semi-rigid tubing with flexible hose that SHURflo sells, so I can make it work.

I'm just a bit perplexed on how -- exactly where -- it's supposed to be mounted. :unsure: And I'm leaving on a big trip in 3 days... :rolleyes:
Thanks for any help, guys. :)

Here's some pictures of the Shurflow water pump location and mounting in my Grandby. Not sure how it is in a Hawk, but maybe this will give you an idea hows it's mounted. In the Grandby, the panel just in front of the kitchen cabinet can be removed to access the pump and some of the electrical wiring. The pump is screwed to the short vertical bulkhead on a rubber isolation mount. It's underneath the forward end of the cabinet. Good luck.



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Thanks, buzzman. In the middle pic it looks like it's mounted on a vertical plane -- is that right? Or is the photo just rotated or am I seeing it wrong?

Here's a photo of the "pump zone" in my goes in here somehow...


The angle of the feed/inlet tubing with filter isn't how it has always been -- it's been rotated back and forth, so that orientation isn't a clue as to mounting.

By the way -- the photo above is one of the first -- first public -- pic taken with my new camera.
Kind of a humble first application, but it's a tool. ;)
OK -- I found what must be the screw holes from the previous pump mounting: it looks like it was mounted upside down, screwed into the "roof/ceiling" of that gray space, hanging down from the underside of the cabinet base.

Still have to figure out the orientation...but "where" is big progress. :)
Yes, it is mounted on a vertical plane. In that middle picture, I'm looking down at the top of the pump. The somewhat blurry third picture is looking at the side of the pump. The pump is not mounted very solidly. It's on some sort of rubber mount that is screwed securely to the plywood wall...I suppose to isolate the noise when running, or to allow it to flex a little...I'm not sure?

I have never paid any attention to that little screen filter under there. Mine looked okay though.

Nice camera. I think they changed the location from my year but I'll go out a take a pic if you think it'd help.
craig333 said:
Nice camera. I think they changed the location from my year but I'll go out a take a pic if you think it'd help.
Craig, if it's not a chore I'd like to see how yours is mounted, thanks.
As you can see it is mounted upside down, bolted or screwed in the back.

Its a pretty tight space on mine.
Thanks, craig. Yes, it's a tight space in mine, too...which is one reason I was kinda wondering how it fit in there -- in such a way that there was room for the inlet and outlet lines to hook up.

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