I Told You Son


New Member
Oct 2, 2009
Eugene Oregon
I told you that if you didn't start calling your mom once in a while there would be consequences'. I'm giving your inheritance to your brother. - Dad
Was trying to figure out the comment about posting in trip reports. I'm guessing mom posted on your site and picked the first forum topic, that feels about right. Now don't you feel sooooo bad that you are neglecting the mother of your brother.
Whatever it takes to get new members........ even parents are not immune to the relentless march of capitalism.
Did you change your Father's avatar to that??? I would not only cut you out of the inheritance, I would disown you! Yu really are the black sheep in the family ;)
Oh jebus wtf is that avatar LOL!!$&#

Well Ted, now you know what I'm made of. Can you blame me?
Oh jebus wtf is that avatar LOL!!$&#

Well Ted, now you know what I'm made of. Can you blame me?

I may be a little slow on the uptake, but with an avatar like that, your dad can't be all bad. Call your mom and maybe your dad will change his avatar (at least I hope he does, it's kind of disturbing to watch). :unsure: Considering you personally approve all user id's, you have shown some consideration to your parents.
Don't worry son I survived the surgery and I'm expected to live (at least for a while).If you think you will ever beat me a ping pong I would try it soon. - Dad IMG_0542  - 2.jpg
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