ID-MT-WY?: Desert Rat Venturing Outside His Comfort Zone Seeks Input

Big pile 'o maps: Check
Fresh pot o' coffee: Check
Brain in full daydream mode: Check

Let the games begin.

Couple or three questions about your Panther Creek drive: Did you start way down in Morgan Creek, just north of Challis, or did you come in from the east, from Salmon or North Fork? Your 4th from the last picture--was that taken at the end of the road on FS 030? The distances back to the Middle Fork (7), Panther Creek (19), and North Fork(47) look like the sign is out at the end, at Corn Creek. Did you fish Panther Creek or any of its tributaries? Lastly, did you visit Horse Creek Hot Spring?

Thanks for any additional info/comments.

Hello Foy, I remember you from this post on the Expo forum.
I never did that trip, up thur Idaho instead.
I started at HWY 93/Morgan Creek Rd. north of Challis and took Panther Creek NF-055 on up to Salmon River rd. NF30. Drove to the turn around/end of NF30 where the mileage sign photo was taken

Back tracked on S.R. rd. to Spring Creek rd./NF-038 to NF-044 where this was taken

Turned off NF-044 at Horse Creek Pass rd./W.Fork rd. and drove out to Hwy 93. Didn't fish or visit any hot springs. Satisfied just taking a road less traveled.
I suppose you're satisfied now that my keyboard is covered in drool? I really need to make a trip to Idaho.
craig333 said:
I suppose you're satisfied now that my keyboard is covered in drool? ...
Yep, a drool-drenched keyboard was my aim in starting this thread.
What $175 in National Forest maps covering (some of) Idaho and Montana and a bit of Wyoming looks like:


They arrived via UPS (free shipping) today, just 3 business days after I ordered from the National Forest Store. :)
Casa Escarlata Robles Too said:
Mark,so when do you get moving out on the trip?
Well...hmmm...Monday? That's my current plan...ish.
Retired and single, so no regular schedule and no scheduler. ;)
MarkBC said:
Well...hmmm...Monday? That's my current plan...ish.
Retired and single, so no regular schedule and no scheduler. ;)
OK, now you're just rubbing it in, Mark...................

Have a ball.

Mr. BC, looking at the red circle on your map and reading through the suggestions already given, I'd only add a couple if you're into history. First off is the beaverhead that Sacajawea saw and knew she was home and secondly the Virginia City, Nevada City and Bannock area. Nevada City is nice for Bodie like early morning or late afternoon shots. Enjoy your trip and travel safe.
Good additional suggestions, ski3pin.

Beaverhead Rock is about 15 miles northeast of Dillon, MT on MT 41, just a few miles south of Twin Bridges. A wide pull-off and several signboards are there.

Bannack was the first capital of Montana Territory, for all of 18 months in 1864-65. The capital moved to Virginia City as the big gold strike there took off as Bannack's was fading. Bannack is now a Montana State Park and is exceptionally well-preserved. But, a month ago a cloudburst up-canyon sent a debris flow down Hangman's Gulch and washed away some of the boardwalks and damaged a number of buildings, destroying one entirely. Check ahead to see if the MT parks folks have re-opened the town to visitors.

MarkBC said:
Mark,so when do you get moving out on the trip?

Well...hmmm...Monday? That's my current plan...ish.
Retired and single, so no regular schedule and no scheduler. ;)
Ummm...did I say Monday? I meant Tuesday. :rolleyes:

After locating all the great suggestions in this thread (thanks again, all of you! :) ) on my Benchmark atlases...I still don't have a real itinerary, but it looks like I could wander around SW Montana and NE Idaho for 2 weeks and have a great time.
My only real decision, and I don't have to make it before I leave home, is whether or not I drive up north to check out that recommended Bowman Lake area of Glacier, or if I stay more-or-less Missoula-and-south. If I do intend to go all the way north I'm tempted to make a long drive the first day to that northernmost point via a less-scenic but more efficient route through Spokane...and then wander down south through western MT, hitting the Idaho points (those not next to the MT border) on the way home.

I also need to consider the wildfire factor...area closures, etc, and how that affects my itinerary, which I haven't done yet. I need to check out InciWeb for MT & ID activity...something to do today.
It crossed my mind this morning that maybe I shouldn't go at all, after hearing of various fires and closures up there and seeing big smoke-zones on the satellite view this morning... :unsure:
for MT & ID activity...something to do today.
MarkBC said:
It crossed my mind this morning that maybe I shouldn't go at all, after hearing of various fires and closures up there and seeing big smoke-zones on the satellite view this morning... :unsure:
I am sure you will find places to travel.I haven't checked out that site yet so maybe there are some fires.Don't get much info here unless it is right here in our area.
Maybe the later you wait the less fires.Who knows.Looks like some rain patterns across MT, WY ID.
Have fun
Casa Escarlata Robles Too said:
...I haven't checked out that site yet so maybe there are some fires.Don't get much info here unless it is right here in our area....
InciWeb is the best site I know of for wildfire/forest-fire information covering many states.
There may be local sites that have more detail or more-frequently-updated, but in general InciWeb is the place to check.
If someone knows of a better site, please inform us! :)
Thanks Mark.That looks like a useful site.A search of YNP and GNP for alerts showed some smoke north of YNP and south.
At GNP there is a bear alert for soft sided campers/tents at Rising Sun CG,but nothing else.
We are just as bad at procrastinating as you.Haven't put much thought to leaving for a trip.We have a sick cat and just can't leave him.So we shall see,but we don't usually go on our big trip until at least the 1st week of Sept.
No hurry I guess the places will still be there and less people.
Hey Mark,

I just had a friend who returned from the main stem of the Salmon and he said they had very little to no smoke in Idaho but on their return trip through eastern Oregeon and Ca the smoke was brutal.

We will be out in that area in a couple weeks...maybe we will cross paths.

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