Interesting Zion Stats


Captain Leisure
Site Team
Nov 10, 2005
Eugene, Oregon
Ran across this info today:

Q. How many people have fallen off Angels Landing?
A. We don't have exact numbers, possibly about 5. More people have died at Emerald Pools (7) than Angels Landing.

Q. How many fatalities from "falling" have occured in Zion National Park?
A. Below is a list of fatalities from "falling" in Zion National Park, dating back to the parks establishment. The info below is incomplete. The below list includes only incidents where suspicious activity was not involved.
Angels Landing 5
Cathedral Mountain 1
Emerald Pools 7
Lady Mountain 2+
Mt. Kinesava 1
Mt. of the Sun 1
Observation Point 2
Watchman 2
East Rim Trail 1
Checkerboard Mesa 1
Crazy Quilt Mesa 1
Deer Trap Mountain 1
Hidden Canyon 2
Canyon Overlook 2
Ran across this info today:

Q. How many people have fallen off Angels Landing?
A. We don't have exact numbers, possibly about 5. More people have died at Emerald Pools (7) than Angels Landing.

Interesting, my young nephew bailed on it earlier this year which for some reason tells me I need to hike it. I don't like exposure that much but have climbed Devils Tower. There you rope up :D I suspect the season there is about done.
Ran across this info today:

Q. How many people have fallen off Angels Landing?
A. We don't have exact numbers, possibly about 5. More people have died at Emerald Pools (7) than Angels Landing.

Q. How many fatalities from "falling" have occured in Zion National Park?
A. Below is a list of fatalities from "falling" in Zion National Park, dating back to the parks establishment. The info below is incomplete. The below list includes only incidents where suspicious activity was not involved.
Angels Landing 5
Cathedral Mountain 1
Emerald Pools 7
Lady Mountain 2+
Mt. Kinesava 1
Mt. of the Sun 1
Observation Point 2
Watchman 2
East Rim Trail 1
Checkerboard Mesa 1
Crazy Quilt Mesa 1
Deer Trap Mountain 1
Hidden Canyon 2
Canyon Overlook 2

Interesting indeed, I pondered some of those same statistics while we were there. Does that make me morbid? (Yes, that is rhetorical)

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