iPad Holder for Tacoma?


Senior Member
Dec 2, 2013
Bishop, CA
Hi all, I'm looking for an iPad holder for my '14 Taco and wondering if any of you have some insight into what has worked for you. We use the pad for navigation and it would be handy to have it held up in a nice visible place. I've looked at brackets that bolt to the seat frame bolts and others but all of them look like they might get in the way in one way or another. So I'm interested to hear what others have done and how it has worked out for you. Thanks as always. Cheers,,,,,,
For the boat, we use a Ram mount system. It can be oriented in multiple directions/positions, and is quite secure. I'm sure they have a system that would be appropriate for a car/truck.
Check out the Tech Deck. https://www.tacomaworld.com/threads/fs-the-tacoma-tech-deck-new-product.290066/


Well, I knew that if I asked the right people I'd get some good ideas. The Tech Deck looks really cool.
Well, now I just need to figure out what "Ram Mounts" I'll need. As you've probably guessed this is all new to me. I had to look up (google) Ram Mounts. And there seem to be lots of options. I'll be looking to mount an iPad Air and a Garmin Oregon 450 so I'm not averse to relevant suggestions for those devices. Barring that I'll likely just call Ram and ask for guidance. But at least I think I'm heading in the right direction now. Looking forward to not balancing the pad on my knee when the biscuit isn't along to play navigator.
Steve, you'll need a couple of the mount balls, arms, and the holders for your specific devices. Cabellas is a source. I got mine at the local airport/avionics supplier.

If you're going with the Tech deck, talk to them first. They may have specific screw patterns for the ball mounts.
buckland said:
I've had this and it is fantastic! Not only is it great in the front of the truck but take it down and attach it to the camper lift panel mirror and voila a home movie screen! We watch movies while in bed!http://www.amazon.com/RAM-B-166-TAB3U-Suction-Tab-Tite-Cradle-TouchPad/dp/B004V4N3NW?ie=UTF8&psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_detailpage_o04_s00
Sounds good and I'm glad it has worked for you. But I've had bad luck with suction cups. Tired of having devices come crashing down. I'm thinking I'm going to go with the tech deck.
I put a RAM mount setup in my Ram 2500. It's a little more difficult because I wasn't able to put my hands on any actual RAM products before buying them online, so there was some guesswork involved. I just accepted that I was going to buy a few parts I didn't need as I figured things out, so I have a few extra laying around. I guess I could return them...or I can just wait until I find something else to mount with them!

If you go the Tech Deck route, they've probably worked with someone mounting an iPad before so they might have recommendations to save you that trouble...assuming you're happy with how the other folks did it.

Here's an observation. More horizontal distance between the ball mount and the iPad mount (i.e., not only how long the arm is but what angle you have it at) will create more force to support...which translates into more bouncing as you drive. Ways to combat that bounce would be using shorter arms, making the arms as vertical as you can, or using two mounts for the iPad. On my setup (not using the Tech Deck), I'll need two mounts when I add the iPad.
I have the same unit in our truck and with an additional strap securing it to the center console have been very happy with it.

Sent from my iPhone using Wander The West
Well, I finally bought and installed the Tech Deck and I'm very pleased so thanks tons for the suggestions. It took me a couple of hours to install as I like to go slowly when drilling holes in expensive things. It's solid. No more having the suction cup come loose on bumpy (or smooth) roads and bringing the GPS crashing down! And I can watch the map on the iPad without having to juggle it on my lap where I have to take my eyes off the road to view. Including the Ram Mounts necessary to hold the various devices it all came to a couple hundred bucks but it's well worth it. Cheers,,,,,
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