It's a sad day...

For us newbie Toyota/ ATC Bobcat owners, can you list some pics before you get rid of your rig. Maybe you want to tow it behind the motor home?

Thank you, Darryl

He's actually got quite a few detailed posts out there with lots of pictures of his rig, especially the interior he modified. Here is one of the major ones:
Thanks pods, I'm very busy right now and don't have time to do more than suggest an advanced search for threads by DLN. Hope that works for you Darryla.
The Eagle has departed

Saturday afternoon we had the great pleasure of selling our camper to Bill and Jan Johnson who had lost their beloved '03 Eagle along with their house and Bill's classic Unimog in the Lopez Canyon Fire in October 2008. Our ad was on craigslist for 10 hours when Bill called and we arranged a deposit and sale four days later. I have to say that if we'd known who they were at the time we would have held the camper for them without a deposit just because they deserved it after the experience they'd been through. Bill & Jan are great people and we couldn't be happier that our camper went to folks who will truly appreciate it.

Bill and Jan were first introduced to WTW by Patrick (pvstoy) shortly after the fire had destroyed almost everything they owned with the exception the the '02 Tacoma they were driving at the time. Coincidentally they purchased their first camper from a friend of his in Colorado and now they bought ours. Small but very interesting world here on WTW. For more information check out Bill's web site at:
FWIW, my guess on who you sold it to was correct, DLN. Those folks had a major setback. It's good to see they'll be back on the road!

Along with Kcwyo's....."Mr. Johnson's" tales of travel ala FWC were one of the things that caught my eye early on and got my jones for an FWC going strong.

best of luck.

Thank you DLN for the kind words. It is a small world and we do intertwine more than we know. I had fun fixing up the first Eagle that they bought from my friend in Colorado. It will be missed by me also.

Bill and Jan have found a nice camper from you and I’m glad that now they are able to enjoy what they like to do.

Happy trails to them…………..
Good for Bill and Jan

Bill and Jan were part of the inspiration to buy my camper. I used to look at there photo album and learned about some areas I wanted to go to and had been without knowing as I didn't have a map at the time. It wasn't until after a few times of looking at the site that the photo series begins with a picture of their departed camper.

Good for Bil and Jan. I hope they continue all the adventure fun those pictures show they have.


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