It's All Your Fault

Wandering Sagebrush

Free Range Human
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Nov 17, 2013
Northeast Oregon
Munchmeister had to go and post about the discadas, skottles and other fun camp cooking toys. and I got hooked on the concept. I got the 22" discada from Southwest disk for cooking at family reunions and campouts. I was surprised at how heavy it is. The burner is from our crab cooker

This morning was the maiden voyage, with a breakfast of bacon, ham, pork sausage, green onions and eggs on corn tortillas. It turned out good, but it's also clear that I need to do some work with temperature control. Believe it or not, all that pork was pretty lean, so I had to add a few tablespoons of avocado oil to help things along. I think it is going to be fun.

Thanks to all that contributed to the original thread.
So Steve-when are you going to bring it out to show us-ya know your good old field buddies -how well it works :)! Can't wait-might even bring some of the vitals myself- right guys-yep, just getting hungry thinking about it! When, where :cautious: !!!

An excellent example of how to integrate a new piece of equipment BEFORE heading to Mars...or the High Sierras or the deserts...

Trying out cooking impliments or even new recipies at home so you have a feel for how hot, how long and how much flame to use and if you need cooking oil and how much, etc, etc. is best done before heading out.

Those "sea trials" sort of give you not only confidence but a better understanding of what you are working with.

I'm guessing that one should "season" the discada at home much like cast iron skillets or pans?
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