Jack tear down


Advanced Member
Dec 5, 2016
The last time I raised the camper two of the jacks seemed alot slower than the others.. I have been doing interior work for along time and in that period the hydraulic jack leaked enough fluid to let air into all the ''legs'( for a better term). making dropping the roof not doable.
I had wanted to pull all the legs and go over the jack for awhile but its not something that was going to be fun.. Anyways I tackled it yesterday and it was way easier than I thought it was going to be.
Long story short , I blocked the camper up an extra 1/2" , removed all the hardware holding the ''legs'' in place, disconnected the hydraulic lines and pulled the jack.
Dissasembling the jack was very straight forward, and their was no worn O rings or anything bad. I determined that my leak was from a loose fitting.
With the legs I pulled them apart and cleaned out the bore with some 00steel wool (on a dowel connected to a drill) , made sure their were no rips or tears in the rubber boots.
After everything was cleaned up I put the jack back in (with a newer drip container) connected the main feed line and bled the system into bottles I had put on the other end. Finally got clear fluid everywhere and hooked back up to the jacks...
Here is a few pics of the jack for the curious.

G Vavra
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