Jane's Res, Devel's Garden, Modoc NF


Mar 15, 2008
NE Calif/NW Nev

Hi Guy's just got back from a quick trip up to Jane's Res, on the Devel's Gargen on the Modoc NF. As usual could post on Gallery not on threads-so check there for pictures. The Res is easy to get to, take FS/county road west Davis Creek across Goose Lake, follow the road (red cinder) road west when you hit fork in road (north fork goes to border-but you follow the red road)) about 25 miles. Take left at "t" about a 1/4 mile there's Jane's Res. You can also take 299 from Altutas and take fs road to Big Sages Res., but keep going north till you hit Janes Rs. Res has two vault johns, and 5 prim. camps, no water just some picnic tables and fire rings. I camped on the s/sw side. Saw lot's of Eagles! Real prim camping is okay on the west side. Weather was real mixed the last five days, some days nice and hot, all days windy, but on day 4, wind and weather turned cold, not like the usual nice days and cool nights but almost heater weather. Lot's of places to camp here and not many people (mainly fisherman only 3 others campers used it whilw i was there. Some people used the boat launch to put their boats in, but didn't stay long, to windy. Some nice fish (rainbow trout) were caught off of the dam. Res is known for both a nice bass and trout fishery, but really to windy to fish into the wind from where i camped. Several good trails to hike and the area is on the "to see " places for Modoc County. Water quality suffers from past cattle use, while cattle are gone now from the res., lot's of nit. loving water cress/weeds make shore fishing a challenge in the wind. Still a nice a quite place to spend some time. Anyway, got up yesterday, it was cold & windy, said that's it, came home-now it's hot here, first day of summer, supposed to get hot then cool off later, what a weird weather pattern. I would recommend this place, to visit if you are coming down/up 395 or are near Alturas, sort of quiet and in the middle of no-where-just the pace we like to find!







Hey-I did it !!!!! Thanks Mark, I really added some pictures, hope this doesn't go to my head and I start thinking I know how to do this!

That whole Modoc plateau area looks interesting.

Yeah, lots of interesting volcanic stuff in that area.
In two of my college summers working for the Forest Service (surveying for forest roads) I worked/lived out of McCloud, east of Mt. Shasta. During a time when we were working in the far northeast section of our range we explored a few lava-tube caves -- ones that were unmarked on maps and virtually unknown to the general public. We were already equipped with hard-hats and had those big FS headlamps, so why not?

Glass Mountain is a mountain of obsidian...mostly not high-grade obsidian, but still pretty cool.
This whole NE Ca/Nw Nev/COr Plateau area is pretty neat area and for some reason this area (the Modoc Plateau) got allot of rain/snow this winter, while the rest of the area got between 25-45% of winter snow pack, so the res/lakes are allot fuller up there. We are on a red flag warning up here right now, so I'll think I stay put until next week. You can get into this area by coming in from the west, and the roads are unlike, my old BLM roads, nice to travel on. There are several lakes and res. that you can play in w/o seeing many people. We don't want to many people to know about this area anyway, but glad some of you enjoyed the pictures and my bunched up narrative, but thanks again to Mark for his help. My next thread will (hopefully) be done in a more professional manner like BLM and years of writing reports taught me once to do--so, so many years ago!

Hey-I did it !!!!! Thanks Mark, I really added some pictures, hope this doesn't go to my head and I start thinking I know how to do this!

Smoke, you are an inspiration to all non-youngsters, all of those born in the first half of the last century, who think that they can't figure out how to post photos here!

If anyone else here (no matter what half of the last century you were born) wants to post photos on WTW but thinks it's too hard to figure out, send me a PM or e-mail and I'll provide easy-to-follow instructions -- customized instructions for your needs.
If you've already figured out how to post words on WTW then you must be able to read, and if you can read I can get you posting photos, too!

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