Just got a call from Matt...

Have a great trip and take some time to enjoy Colorado camping, were out camping in our Hallmark this week.
Status report....

Well we left Virginia at 0730 this morning and drove through West Virginia, Kentucky, Indiana and are now in Illinois. It is approximately 1550 miles from our house to Denver and we allotted ourselves 3 days to drive out. That meant that we had to do something over 500 per day to make our meeting with Hallmark on Tuesday morning. We had planned to camp along the way but the weather is significantly colder than we had planned for. Tonight it's suppose to be in the mid 30's with a 15-25 wind which would put the wind chill below freezing....call us wimps but we decided to get a hotel room!! Once we decided to get a room we figured that we could have used the time that it would have taken to set up camp and cook to just drive further so we cranked out 639 miles today!
Hopefully the weather will warm up tomorrow (it's suppose to) and we can find a place to camp along the way...

No pictures today but the one place we almost stopped at in WV was Possum Hollow. Sounded almost too good to pass up!

Will report tomorrow if we can...

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As enelson reported it is and has been raining for the past two days but we are in Denver and will be picking up the Hallmark this am!! We are stoked to finally be here...

Had a minor mechanical issue in the middle of nowhere South of Denver yesterday but we found a great mechanic who was able to get us back on the road...

More later with pics from the factory!
Yes it is!
I couldn't sleep a wink last night..I was like a little kid on Christmas Eve!

We got up to Hallmark just before 9am and they had me back my truck right in and started working on it immediately.
Bill spent about 3 hours with us going over the various systems and how they work. Fortunately my wife was furiously taking notes.

To make a long story short they took fantastic care of us and answered all our questions. By the time we left, six hours later, we felt as if we had a good handle on how the camper worked.

We drove about 20 minutes up the road to a state campground to spend the night. Tomorrow we'll go up to RMNP and get a chance to check out the heater!

Here is a picture of the setup that will allow us to use our Coleman stove and do most of our cooking outside.. ImageUploadedByWander The West1463527246.917349.jpg

I'm exhausted from all the day's events so I'll do a more thorough report in a few days..
I want to thank all the members of this forum that have help us make the decision to get into truck camping...

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Fun! Congrats!

Just a suggestion - we started keeping a log of every night we spent in the camper - date, where we were, noteworthy event from the day, etc. Wife got me a nice leather notebook that lives in the camper. I know it will be fun to flip through in 10 years.
I have a google map that I update showing all the sites we've stayed at too. A ledger would be better but I don't take notes well or keep a journal, so tech-nerd version.

Looking forward to seeing the interior, I can tell the inside layout is a lot different than our K2.
Hallmark just posted a few photos of your new rig on their face book page, it looks great! The whole Hallmark crew are nice folks and very through on the delivery day, even though they knew it was our second Hallmark they insisted on going thru it with me.
And don’t worry the furnace will warm the camper to whatever temperature you want in a hurry.

Just checked out the facebook pic's - nice rig. I think you'll really like the straight countertop/ single sink. It really opens up a lot of floor space.

And so many drawers and cupboards - never have a shortage of storage!
Hey everyone!

Just wanted to let you know that we made it back to Virginia in one piece!
The camper performed flawlessly in the 5 nights we camped with it across the fruited plains...

I hope to do a detailed write up on the camper in the next week or so so be patient...

Two people came up to us while we were camping in different places and wanted to know more about Hallmarks..I should have asked for commissions!

LaterImageUploadedByWander The West1463945740.026337.jpg

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A small update...

I had an opportunity to weigh my truck just before we took off For Denver and had a chance to weigh the rig this afternoon.
I probably had 100 pounds of gear and water in the camper but the camper weighed in at 2580 #'s.

This includes the Happy Jack's and the Fast Gun system as well as the camper itself.

The camper itself is fairly well appointed including:

2 way fridge
3 burner stove
External Shower
4 gal hot water heater
North/South queen bed
10 foot awning
Carpet Kit
2 flexible solar panels
Cassette toilet
Dual batteries

And a few other minor items but all of the above add weight so I wasn't surprised. Fortunately I'm still under my GVWR so all is good.

More info and pics this weekend (hopefully)!

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