I've done the drive to Alaska and back several times. I have also pretty much been all over BC, Yukon, NWT, and AK, My highest recommendations would be to take Cassiar Hwy, absolutely don't miss the Dempster to Inuvik and reserve a space at the inner campground of Teklanika at Denali NP (you'll have grizzlies and wolves right around camp!)
Check this youtube for the Dempster Hwy, NWT.http://www.youtube.com/user/generubinaudio#p/f/9/Pjx7oidhNSI
Also, I am making the drive to Anchorage this month in my Civic Hybrid and flying back. I'll leave my Civic at a friend's house. Anyone want to drive it back to Santa Barbara, CA? It will have tent camping gear included. I'll be doing the Dempster as well on this trip to Anchorage, I never miss it.
BTW, The Canadian and Alaskan roads, even the gravel ones, are excellent and do not require anything more than a standard passenger car.